Anemone Question



I had duel 175's on my tank and my BTA all but crawled out of the tank looking for more light, so I switched to 250's and he settled right down almost immediately, right in the center of the tank... My tank temp is 82 and it's a 90 gal. I do have a fan hooked up to the same timer as the halides though, it really helps...
The fan blows across the waters surface.
I have posted in the clownfish section asking Thomas (our "anemone expert") for a link to a thread showing the progress of a sebae. Keep an eye on that forum in case he posts it...
It is a bleached sebae slowly regaining it's natural color. Progression shots...real nice.


I totally agree that this anemone is suffering from a lack of zooxanthellae, many of the sebae will loose its zooxanthellae when they are collected, this means that they can become bleached or white almost overnight, but still look stout and healthy otherwise. With proper lighting (in most cases this means metal halide for this particular anemone) they can regain their zooxanthellae colonies in about 3 months or so. If it can't regain those colonies of zooxanthellae then it could be a long slow road to starvation and then death.
I would also be feeding this anemone 2 or 3 times per week, meaty foods to help offset the fact that it is no longer getting enough nourishment from the zooxanthellae.
Listen to Tizzo on the pH factor, a little fresh air can go a long way.
moving this to anemone forum.


Ok Guys here is an update. The Sebae was doing much of the same since my last post. But..........
Yesterday I UPGRADED.
Bought a Canopy, Retrofitted it wth a Falcon SE MH 175w 14k Light. :cheer: :cheer:
Now the Anemone seems to be moving, its created a cup and is starting to move
Any Insight?

jimmy 4

not all anemones live 2 inches below the waters surface. you have plenty of lighting for a 29 gallon. Sebeas like medium light. Carpet anemones need intense lighting. I swear most of the people on this board work for some Metal halide light selling business.


Originally Posted by Jimmy 4
I swear most of the people on this board work for some Metal halide light selling business.
Yeah...something about research, and the best environment for our critters, and then there are those pesky factors like par, intensity, lumens, lux...
Guess I should sell them...

jimmy 4

You have to believe in what you are selling so maybe it would be a good career choice for someone like yourself.


I believe... I had PC's, VHO's and halides...
Yup...I'm a believer.


THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING SEBAE ANEMONE. I found him this morning with exactly what everyone has been saying. Gaping Mouth, Internals coming out, and half of it was hard to the touch.
Water Parameters were pristine at time of death, I actually found him all over my Zoos this morning.
So he took the Porcelain express to deep blue sea this morning.


Sebaes are tough, but sorry for your loss.. All things considered, he was pretty...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
This thread is almost comical.
First of all, there is no such thing as a healthy white anemone, no matter what kind it is. He is bleached as a result of not enough lighting. He was unhealthy when you bought him.
Second, a "specific gravity" of 1.020 is way to low. Fish can survive in it, but any invert will have a hard time. 1.024 AT LEAST!!
AS far as your PH, you don't know "why" it's low, so don't go throwin in chemicals until you know why. You said your KH is 6, raise it to 8 or nine then retest your ph. It may not change it, since low oxygen is the most common reason for low PH.
Feed your anemone. It will help. May not save him, buit it will help. Don't over feed him. If he poops a lot about 12 to 24 hours after you feed him, then switch foods. You want him to absorb most of what you feed him. I have always had success with silversides. The bigger ones that look like little fish. Not the tiny ones that look like little rope/strings.
And lastly, a sebae is prolly the most difficult anemone to keep and being that the one you bought was unhealthy to begin with, you may not have good luck. If he shrivels up, that's OK. They do that, but if you see him try to push his insides out, then he is almost dead and to avoid killing your water chemistry, you'd wanna remove him.
Oh, your LFS... I wouldn't get advice from them any more...

actualy swf sells white sebea anemones for like $24


Originally Posted by BabyB
actualy swf sells white sebea anemones for like $24
Yes they do... But it's still bleached. People who do not research and think it's pretty, buy it. I would prolly sell them too, I mean...they really are pretty to look at. :thinking: