anemone question


ok i got an anemone on friday. I temp acclimated him for a little bit over an hour. I put him in the tank and he was fine till about saturday night he shrivled up into a little ball. Then by sunday he was about 1/2 open again. Now 2 days later hes back into his little ball he crawled further into my rocks and hes laying on hsi side just chillin. and hes back into his little ball again. in talking if i didnt no better i would think he was dead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alanwest
ok i got an anemone on friday. I temp acclimated him for a little bit over an hour. I put him in the tank and he was fine till about saturday night he shrivled up into a little ball. Then by sunday he was about 1/2 open again. Now 2 days later hes back into his little ball he crawled further into my rocks and hes laying on hsi side just chillin. and hes back into his little ball again. in talking if i didnt no better i would think he was dead.
If he is dead,, get him out of the tank,, he will discharge toxins into the water,,, ANEMONES need excellent water conditions and very strong lighting..what are you tank perameters including your tank set up? lighting etc etc. What kind of ANEMONE?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
If he is dead,, get him out of the tank,, he will discharge toxins into the water,,, ANEMONES need excellent water conditions and very strong lighting..what are you tank perameters including your tank set up? lighting etc etc. What kind of ANEMONE?
I am curious about that information too.


55 gal
100 dollar filter
coralife 65 gallon skimmer
t5 260 watts
2 maxijet 1200 powerheads
79/80 degrees
1.0245 salinity
0 ammonia (tested 2 hours ago)
0 nitrate (did a waterchange sunday)
ph 8.0 ish
thats all i tested so far


Active Member
If they are dying- usually they are shriveled and spewing out thier guts in the form of a white string out thier mouth. And kind of slimy looking.
Anemones go through a cycle where they expel water, sometimes every night, so if he shriveles and comes back to being fluffy that can be normal.
Most anemones dont stay where you put them. They find a place where they want to stay. :jumping: Thats not to say hes not in shock.
How old is your tank? Anem. can be a pain in the butt. He might just be adjusting. Have you tried to offer him a small chunk of food? usually a sick anemone will not take a piece of food. Hes been in the tank a few days, he should probably respond to stimuli.


I would keep up the water changes, weekly with RO water and wait and see. I removed a bubble tip in my first few months in the hobby thinking it was dead/but it's "twin" still showes up. They just move until they find the light and flow they like. Have a GCA now that has found his spot and seems very happy with a weekly chunk of shrimp. They are a challange and my clowns are still not hosting...uggg.


Active Member
IMO your lights are borderline for keeping anemone happy, so chances are its going to move around alot untill it finds a place high enough for it. not to mention condis tend to move a lot anyways. but it is common for them to shrivel and look like crap for a while then return to normal. mine did that fairly regularly when I had it. (I sold it because I didnt like the risk presented to my corals by its wandering ways)