anemone question


I have a fish only tank with a clownfish. Since I'm not doing corals in that tank, I really don't feel like dishing out the money for mh lights but I do have a pc fixture and I was just wondering if there is any kinda anemone that will survive under pc lights and a clown will host in?


Im wondering the same thing. I think as long as you stay around 10k it should be ok if its in a 20-30 gallon or less tank. But I'm no expert. Im retro-fitting a coralife 65w x 2 ballast with 50/50 lights, Ill let you know how it works. I know they need light.


Anemones need higher lighting levels to feed the Zooanthellae algae living in their tissues. For most all anemone species you'll need HO, VHO or Metal Halide aquarium lighting.


I heard that bubble anemones don't need as high of light as other anemones but I was not sure and I really don't feel like dishing out 50 bucks for an anemone that's gonna die.


hey i have a 65 watt corallife 50/50 light and tried getting a rose bubble tip (100$) anemone and he lost all of his color he literly turned gray and within days he died.

i am new too but everyone i asked told me it would be ok

all my test results were normal


dont do it it will die without propper lighting. and even if you get one chances are 50/50 the clown wont go near it


Active Member
u will need t5 (4 bulbs) or mh to really hv a chance. anemones r delicate creatures. without proper lighting and water parameters, its not going to survive. as for 10k, thats just the color of the bulbs.


as for 10k, thats just the color of the bulbs.
I understand thats the spectrum of light for the bulb, but isn't a 10k 65 watt t5 sufficient for a anemone in a 20 gallon?
I have 4 -54 watt t5's in my 90 w/ 2 anemones doin' fine.


Active Member
t5 doesnt come in 65w. he has power compact lights. pc lighting just isnt enough long term to support most anemones.


Originally Posted by thatwireguy
would 2 coralife 65w compact florescent do the job for a 20 gallon?
No, didn't work for me with my 35g. The anenome lived for a while but died after a month with this light setup.