anemone shriviling up


it is a pink tip hatian and it is sriviling up, the tank had a ammonia spike, and the water temp is up, but wont go down eve nwit htthe lamps off, it is around 80deg, it looks like it is shrinkign and sriviling. What can I do to reverse this


Active Member
80 degrees is fine.Have you done a water change to correct the ammonia spike?Have you tested your other parameters?What was the spike caused from?


well, keep in mind I am a stupid newbie at this, I added it all at one time, and bought all this stuff from SWF before I relized I shouldn't have. I added about 30 MORE lbs of live rock yesterday and woke up to my yellow tang dead. :(
Ammonia looked fine then I left it sit for abotu a hour came back adn it was a lit egreen color :-/ so I think it was 0.25 the clown fish have been doign fine through everything, is that normal also ?


Active Member
You may have caused a mini cycle..look for nitrite and nitrate.I would recommend an immediate water change.


Active Member
Gee..I don't know what to say.Do you have any friends with a tank,or are you in pretty good with your LFS..maybe they would keep the anemone for you until your water parameters are back in line.Wish I could help more..maybe a family member could help you out??


nah I am screwed, it was my fault anyways, guess it will all die and I will start over, just when I got some zoos and some polyps and other cool stuff. :nope: :nope:


Active Member
Hey don't feel bad..or think negative.Maybe it will be ok..anemones do retract on and off.Mine retract into a little ball every night.{RBTAs}
Do you have any fresh carbon you could run?


Hope you learned the hard way the worst thing you can do is add things too fast to a new tank. First of all just slowwwwww down and ask questions here before you do anything harsh. There are alot of good people here that will guide you in the right direction. In a new tank you add fish slowly and one at a time and dont even think about anenomes until 6-12 months. Watch all your water parameters closely and adjust as needed. Get on this board and read, read, read. Last of all it would help if you would slow down your typing as some of your sentences look like the bottom line of a typewriter.


I just added a filter with new carbon, and yea I know the sentances are corse, I was in a hurry, and I will slow down.


This hooby is like my snowplowing buisness. Everything happens at night , on holidays, ealry in the morning "AFTER HOURS!". And like my company you need to have a way to cover any disaster possible at any time. I always have 50 gallons of ro ready to go in my basement for my 125, and I have other people I know that I can call at any time to get more or hold fish and stuff until the new tank comes in after the old one crashes onto the floor. Not that has happened but I am prepared for that event. I hope your situation turns out ok. Florida is a good state to live in for the reef hobby, much better than pittsburgh pa.