anemone small, tank cloudy, algae everywhere


Active Member
Check your ALK. It just dawned on me that about a year ago there was a bad batch of IO salt going around and cloudy water and high Alk were symptoms. I think that was before they went to the smaller buckets but you never know. It sounds like the cloudy water and anemone problem happened post water change, you could have gotten a stray bucket of bad salt.


Active Member
I think whatever it is, it is fixed. I came home this afternoon and the water was looking a lot clearer. The anemone is actually opening up now, but not as much as it was before all this happened. I'm going to leave the lights on tonight to give it some time to build up its zoo...(sp). The feather duster is looking almost normal now. Its feathers are finally smoothing out instead of looking weathered and wilted. The substrate now has no diatoms on it and the rocks are clearing up with only a few patches now. :jumping:
I still have a few snails that are on their back but they're still alive.
I'm guessing it was the silicon. I don't know what else it could have been. I changed nothing except I added the fuge and I used the loctite silicon. That's all... Maybe the problem was compounded with me dosing with Kent Tech CB additive which builds up the Alk. It could have been that the silicon caused a pH drop as it released acitic acid and that caused some of my minerals to come out of solution and precipitate. Once I started getting precipitation, my whole chemistry was out of whack. The water change was the right thing to do. Now I just have to find the right test kits before this happens again.


Never do more than a 50% or 66% water change,that large of a water change makes there be more new water than old water that the inhabitants are used to,and it will stress everything out hugely!With that large of water changes,animals will die,unless you take them out of the tank and then acclimate them into the tank with its new water.Just tring to help..Not flamin,so don't take this the wrong way.


Active Member
Ok, it looks like it's over. My anemone has died.
It kept getting smaller and smaller. I think that it was causing my water to be hazy. It probably couldn't take the silicon and the precipitation too well and so it didn't recover. The rest of the tank is doing well. I may have lost 1 turbo snail. It's not getting off its back but the others are all over the place eating away. The brown algae is gone and the feather duster is looking normal and opening up fully.
I'm going to wait a few weeks and then get another anemone. My poor clownies are looking sad. They're just swimming around the empty spot where the anemone was. :sleepy:


Sorry sly, guess you had better give up on anemonies for a while.