anemone split?


just wondering if i can expect my nem to split any time soon?
i had the nem under pc's and recently replaced them with a 175 watt mh retro. under the pc's the nem went attatched himself to the glass right at water level to get the most light possible. under the mh he is doing much better, no longer bleached at all. wondering if i can expect him to come off the glass and even split?
any help is greatly appreciated thanks!


alright since last post the nem has moved from the top of the tank to the bottom and is going underneath a rock, are these signs of him getting ready to split?


Active Member
Not that I can tell. If you replaced your lights recently then the nem is probably going into hiding so it can adjust to the difference in light. Anemones are kind of sensitive so it may stay in hiding for a little while and slowly come back out. You can tell if your anemone is splitting by looking at the mouth.
You can search images of anemones splitting and see what I'm talking about. Hope this helps.