New Member
My carpet anemone is stuck in my flow jet.
I think that he still might be alive since Half of his body is sticking out from the bottom of the flow jet and if poof "E'. I turned off the jet but how can I get him out with out damaging him more then he maybe???
I tried lightly shaking him but it did'nt work. He still seem to be alive but I haven't been able to get him out completely, yet.. Im worried about having him tear if I do to much with him.
Plus he is poisons so that limits me from using my hands... I was told that iodine would help the anemone heal. Any ideas? Is there a certain" band" for the iodine that I should get?
Thanks :scared:

I tried lightly shaking him but it did'nt work. He still seem to be alive but I haven't been able to get him out completely, yet.. Im worried about having him tear if I do to much with him.

Thanks :scared: