Anemone substitutes for Clownfish



I am not to sure since I am a beginner that I want to take on a Anemone, so any suggestions for a host. he never settles down always swimming never rest, only when my lunar lights come on does he stay in one spot but still always moving up and down, not resting like all the other fish? I this normal clown stuff? He is a Perc.Clown


Active Member
toadstools are are commonly chosen by clows as a replacement host if they feel like hosting, clowns do not need to have a host anemone. my clowns host just about everything from hairy mushrooms to toadstool leathers, to frogspawn, them hosting in the frogspawn is really hard on it when they do their little wriggle and thrash that they tend to do when trying to host it tore off several tendrils of my frogspawn. My baby perc, hosted in my featherduster for a couple days untill my female tomatoe clown decided that it was too close to her hosted leather and chased him off.


Active Member
one of my percs has fallen in love with my hammer coral.
my other perc seems to love my kenya tree.
an lfs by my house had 2 pink skunks that took up residence in a feather duster- talk about luck.


Active Member
yea, my GSM brings my squamosa clam and the fuzzy green shrooms food. pretty fun to watch.


Active Member
They'll host plastic anemones. Try to find a soft squishy one. I used to put cat toys called Squish Balls in a bare tank to keep clown fry in, they loved them.


Originally Posted by xDave
They'll host plastic anemones. Try to find a soft squishy one. I used to put cat toys called Squish Balls in a bare tank to keep clown fry in, they loved them.
HUMMMM Will they "feed" the plastic one? I did think of this , but what if he feeds it will it rot or will the clown clean up the leftovers


Active Member
Originally Posted by bonita69
HUMMMM Will they "feed" the plastic one? I did think of this , but what if he feeds it will it rot or will the clown clean up the leftovers
Don't feed your fish so much that there are leftovers.


Active Member
here is a pic of mine in a frogspawn (old pic).... xenia, various leathers, xenia, fuzzy mushrooms, powerheads, feather dusters, hammer corals, colt corals, the list goes on... or it can be like my new clown .. . host nothing.


Active Member
I think if this is a new hobbyists, then no coral is a good suggestion without knowing more. We haven't even covered specifics of lighting, etc. Cowfishrule and xdave have the best suggestions, IMO...first that they do not need anemones and second that they may go for a substitute.
But don't think that fish need to stop swimming to be resting. Fish do not rest and sleep the same way as we do and it is perfectly normal. There are many fish you may see swimming around during the day that are nocturnal, and are effectively "asleep" though swimming.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
My clowns host feather dusters
how does this work??? dont the feather dusters close when the clown touch them?? i have a couple hitchhickers and if anything smiws close to them they close up...


Originally Posted by ninjamini
How about this:
proof is in the pic! Great Pic!!


Active Member
I bet they just get used to it...I have some feather dusters that end up opening against a rock or something, and they just seem to adapt. But I was wondering myself