I would like some suggestions for an Anemone to go in my tank. I had a 3' in green-tip-anemone last month and it died withen a week. My questions are simple for those with success with anemone's: How do you keep the 'darn thing alive? Here is the info on my tank, perhaps someone can spot a mistake and give me a remedy and a solution: My tank is 55gallons, my water movement is good not great (by this I mean that I have aproximently 1500 GPH filtered or less pending media) I have aprox. 60 LBS of live rock and 60 LBS of crushed coral (switched to this from live sand for the benefitial buffer status and other reasons), My lighting is a combined 265 watt system or 4.8 watts per gallon, My Amonia is 0 ppm, Nitrite O PPM, Nitrate 10 ppm, calcium fine, temperature 78, salt level at 1.021, media changes monthly on smaller filters, and every 6 months on the larger ones to build bacteria. I have carbon, argonite (sp?), Bio balls, and bio glass media as the media. I have smaller corals that it was no where near, no other anemones, fed it silverside (or offered them rather daily) it took it twice. I add food for filter feeders. My clownfish hosted it OVERNIGHT! Tomato clown aprox. 3 in. Yes, it is about the same as the Anemone. In my personal openion, which should not account for much, the clownfish was way to big and his aggressive "wiggle" in the amemone killed it. Any other suggestions?
Thank-you in advance for your answers. God-bless.