Anemone Threat


At what point does an anemone become so large it might be a threat to smaller fish? How common is it for them to get caught?


Well-Known Member
No way...not until you fess up about the jelly fish stupidity. Don't come on here and act lke nothing ever happened.


Ive been on here since April.
Of course I was joking.. I would have responded but it was locked.
Sorry bad joke! ha
but I really am worried about my anemone!


Staff member
If the fish is small enough to fit in the anemone's mouth, then it is potentially in danger.


really they have no idea? i thought the colors told them?
They have to know at least a little..
My lunar and 6 line are pretty damn smart though!


I've lost fish to anemones, mainly a Haitian Pink Tip (Condy) I lost a mandarin and a flasher wrasse.
The fish "should" know to stay away from them, it is a little bit of a natural instinct, but that can be lost in the home aquarium if they're very adjusted and feel safe. What kind of anemone is it and in what size tank?


Active Member
Yep. Fish have a bit of sense to avoid them, but just like people, fish can panic too. How many accidents out on the roadways wouldn't have happened, if the driver didn't panic, and over-correct, slam on the brakes, etc? Well, if something causes the fish to spook, slamming on the stand/canopy, TV coming on too loud, etc, in their attempt to dart to safety contact with a deadly anemone, is a real possibility.