anemone turned bright white

rod buehle

I would definitely agree that it is an H.magnifica ( I would have said before, but the I.D didnt seem to be in question :) and will appreciate the 400s that you purchased. Mags will usually climb to the highest spot to receive as much flow and lighting as possible. If that highest rock is against the glass they will climb to the water surface
It could take months to regain zooxanthallea.
Keep feeding as PD stated (small particle sizes often).


Just thought I would update this post. My anomonie is still white. His tenticles are starting to get some bown to the tips. He is still sitting on the glass in the top third of the tank back to me ofcourse. He moves a few inches every few nights or so. Eats like the others goes full bloom when the MH are on and shrinks up at night. My VHO's are on 730am-130pm and MH 130pm-730pm. Should I change the lighting schedule? I had a gold stripe maroon hosting him until he was put into QT for destorying the tank moving corals and such. Next weekend I am re-aquascaping the tank should I move him out as everyone else will be or just work around him. I was thinking if I did move him out he might take to a rock when I return him.


man i think i might have the same problem i have a 125 gallon with power compacts 260 watts also with anmone, is this no good? also is a 216 watt t5 light brighter then a 260watt power compact? let me know because i don't weant to lose anemone ty


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleazalino
just called my lfs and he siad 260 watts is enough to have anemone is this true
You should probably start your own thread, but...
If it's a standard 125 (72x18x22) then 12-14x 39w T5ho bulbs with individual reflectors or three 175w metal halides would be fine for anemones.
260w of PC isn't going to cut it on a tank that size.

rod buehle

Originally Posted by WangoTango
You should probably start your own thread, but...
If it's a standard 125 (72x18x22) then 12-14x 39w T5ho bulbs with individual reflectors or three 175w metal halides would be fine for anemones.
260w of PC isn't going to cut it on a tank that size.
I agree about starting his/her own thread. I also agree that many anemones will do well under the lighting schemes you have described, but there are a few that I would attempt under that lighting. The H.mag originally posted in this thread is one of them.

rod buehle

Originally Posted by cjqsmom
Just thought I would update this post. My anomonie is still white. His tenticles are starting to get some bown to the tips. He is still sitting on the glass in the top third of the tank back to me ofcourse. He moves a few inches every few nights or so. Eats like the others goes full bloom when the MH are on and shrinks up at night. My VHO's are on 730am-130pm and MH 130pm-730pm. Should I change the lighting schedule? I had a gold stripe maroon hosting him until he was put into QT for destorying the tank moving corals and such. Next weekend I am re-aquascaping the tank should I move him out as everyone else will be or just work around him. I was thinking if I did move him out he might take to a rock when I return him.
Have you checked you alkalinity? Or your pH at opposite times of the day?


I have a ph monitar and the ph stays between 8.0 and 8.3 on average 8.2 only check alk on weekends when we run all tests to double check with ph too alk is around 8.