Anemone vaporized in jet.


I came home last night to my new BTA in the jet. He was totally vaporized. I did an immediate 25% water change and set my skimmer to wet skim. It has skimmed out 7.5 gallons since last night.
I also lost my lawnmower benny.
Any other precautions I should take for the tank mates?


whats your ammonia/trite/trate now? sometimes a good skimmer+large tank can absorb the spike well. but just to make sure, you better keep an eye on the levels :x


OKAY... PLEASE be carefull. I imagine your tank is full of namatocysts (stinging cells) i had the same thing happen and with my nice open cuts on my hand, grabbed the powerhead, took it out side and proceded to dig/cut/squich the embedded guy out. I am sure he was firing the piss out of his stinging cells. Needless to say i ended up in the ER due to full body systemic allergic reaction (HIVES TO THE MAX) carfull. I really treat my tank like an exotic animal that is mysterious yet can be deadly. Sorta like if i had an emu or something. Seriously.


Solar, wow, that’s scary.
When I was boiling the remains out of the intake filter I thought that the steam might be poisonous so I avoided breathing any fumes.
About five days later I lost my Yellow Tang. His color looked fine but he stopped eating then finally died. I read in another post that someone’s Yellow tang died after his anemone crapped out too.
It’s been a few days and I tested the water. Everything is normal except for a sight rise in Ammonia, .5.
I did a water change this past weekend and will test again in a day or so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by michael_t
Everything is normal except for a sight rise in Ammonia, .5.
That's not a slight rise! 1ppm is considered lethal to even bacteria in the tank....
Do water changes until the ammonia is gone!


New Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's not a slight rise! 1ppm is considered lethal to even bacteria in the tank....
Do water changes until the ammonia is gone!

this has happened to me before. What i did was get another tank setup quick with tap water and dechlorinator (sp) and the same salinity and put all the livestock in there from shrimp and fish. i left my snails and they were fine. The fish werent happy but they made it.


I got a free one from this site for ordering stuff, I had it in a 10g QT with live rock wasn't sure where I was going to put him yet, went to work he was a happy little guy, came home couldn't find him......there he was on the back side of the little filter I had in the tank. Wow was I surprised, I felt SO bad, but luckly I didn't have anything in there but him and the LR. I picked it out not thinking also and did have a couple of places that stung a little.


Active Member
Originally Posted by solarscar
OKAY... PLEASE be carefull. I imagine your tank is full of namatocysts (stinging cells) i had the same thing happen and with my nice open cuts on my hand, grabbed the powerhead, took it out side and proceded to dig/cut/squich the embedded guy out. I am sure he was firing the piss out of his stinging cells. Needless to say i ended up in the ER due to full body systemic allergic reaction (HIVES TO THE MAX) carfull. I really treat my tank like an exotic animal that is mysterious yet can be deadly. Sorta like if i had an emu or something. Seriously.

:scared: Glad you're okay.