Anemone w/ PC


Active Member
Well I thought I would never own another anemone but I'm starting to want one so I can learn more about them first hand. Is there a anemone that would do really well under 4-65w PC in a 55g tank??


So 260 watts of PC lighting, I really can't talk about PC as I've never had them. My BTA's do well in 380 watts of VHO, they live and reproduce, sometimes all to often. I estimate that you are still a little on the low side of lighting for anemones and I would rather you don't try any.
However if you must then look into researching the BTA, RBTA, E-Quadricolors or Haitian anemones.


Active Member
That isn't really plenty of light. I only said it may be ok to go with 130 watts on the 20 because you kept insisting on going cheaper. 130 watts is not plenty either.


Active Member
I don't buy the watts per-gallon rules. Fact is it means little... that's not to say I have enough in the 55g for a anemone though.
The majority of tube anemones are not photosynthetic so lighting is of little importance... although they require some other special considerations.


the watts per gallon is a general rule of thumb.. so if the rule of thumb is 6 watts per gallon, it's just saying you need good amount of lighting.. that's what i take from it.. with a lil over 2 watts... who noes maybe a certain type of anemone may live in your tank.. barely getting by or well... and/or it may depend more on a non-photosynthetic source of food....


Active Member
Well if you want to look at wpg it's around 4.7 not a lil over 2 watts... and that's what this tread is all about... if there is an anemone that I can keep in this tank. So far the answer is no...


Active Member
Tube anemones are nasty little creatures. At night their tentacles get really really really long and sting everything around it and kills it. They aren't really even anemones. It is actually a worm living inside the tube.


Active Member
Thanks Viper... now the answer is :nope:.
So, has anyone discovered a anemone glue...
I would try one in the 110g if they didn't move around.


Active Member
You can try a BTA or RBTA in the 110. They are one of, if not the, least stinging anemone. They could crawl all over your tank and sting anything, unless provoked probably.


i dont think bta need much light i have a rbta and he actually ran from the tank right in the light to the whole way under in a cave at the bottom of the tank he seems to want to stay shaded from it.


Active Member

Originally posted by AKinda
i dont think bta need much light i have a rbta and he actually ran from the tank right in the light to the whole way under in a cave at the bottom of the tank he seems to want to stay shaded from it.

Your anemone could be bleached. That is what they do because the light irritates them without their zooxanthelae.


Active Member

Originally posted by ViPeR_930
You can try a BTA or RBTA in the 110. They are one of, if not the, least stinging anemone. They could crawl all over your tank and sting anything, unless provoked probably.

Even with sps corals?? the 110g would really be all around better suited for one.


i've also thought about the RBTA for my tank but decided not to when someone on a different forum said that he had one for a year without any problems.. but one day, the RBTA did sting most of his other corals and killed them. i think most if not all anemones can sting... should caution should be used when housing with any other coral...


Just a little comparison Reef Nut.
When my 55 was setup, I was using the 380 VHO and that comes out to 6.9 watts per gallon.
Same lighting over th 90 is 4.2 watts per gallon and I seem to be getting away with it, after a year and a half of setup they keep multiplying. All but one of my BTA's are in the upper third of the aquarium getting the most amount of light they are able to.
If you have 4.7 watts, and enough live rock for them to have the choice of moving upwards then it may be possible for you. That is if you are as lucky as I am.
Keep in mind that mine are tank raised, not wild.
Still I would like to see mine under better lighting than what I have.