Anemone won't stay put


New Member
My anemone won't stay in one place. He did for the first few days when I brought him home, now he keeps moving around the tank. I hope he doesn't die
! My other one seems fine and found a cozy spot.


Active Member
Theres not much help to offer here with out knowing more about your tank.
What size is it? How long has it been set up? What is in it for live stock? What type of filters and or power heads do you have? Lighting one of the most important items, what kind, how many watts? What type of anemone is it and what type of other one do you have?
And lastly all water perameters, nitrates, nitrites, amonia, pH, Sg and temp. Specific numbers are best.
And welcome..

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Theres not much help to offer here with out knowing more about your tank.
What size is it? How long has it been set up? What is in it for live stock? What type of filters and or power heads do you have? Lighting one of the most important items, what kind, how many watts? What type of anemone is it and what type of other one do you have?
And lastly all water perameters, nitrates, nitrites, amonia, pH, Sg and temp. Specific numbers are best.
And welcome..

Yeah what he said


Active Member
Another note, anenomes will move around the tank untill they find a spot with the right amount of flow and light.


Active Member
If the right combination of flow, light and water perameters are present the anemone should find a spot and not move. It is not uncommon to have an anemone foot in one spot for many months to more than a year. Mine has been in its place for over 6 months now.


New Member
75 gallon tank. It has been up for about 5 months or so. We have a sump for filtration and mega skimmer. Lighting is an 8 bulb with 2 blue and 6 whites (don't have the brand name on hand). We have a sea swirl and two of those magnetic swirlie fans. Water parameters are fine. The anemone moved down to where there is NO water movement and has been there for a day or two now...


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishieGirlie
75 gallon tank. It has been up for about 5 months or so. We have a sump for filtration and mega skimmer. Lighting is an 8 bulb with 2 blue and 6 whites (don't have the brand name on hand). We have a sea swirl and two of those magnetic swirlie fans. Water parameters are fine. The anemone moved down to where there is NO water movement and has been there for a day or two now...
Wow...That is one of the most generalized things I have ever heard..


Active Member
i just got rid of mine today after one year. he was always at the same spot, but simply grew too big. i would never get one again unless i hv a 1000 gallon tank.


Active Member
My BTA did the same thing and then once he found a spot he was good. However, he eventually split and after I decided to redo my rockwork the second BTA decided he didnt' like the new spot. Moved around until he eventually made it down into my sump and then got stuck in the skimmer pump.
Luckily I was looking at the tank when it happened and noticed the tank start to get cloudy. I turned off all pumps and then found him. After a frantic few hours of rushing to get RO water to mix salt for a large water change and adding carbon I was lucky enough not to lose anything, except the BTA that had a death wish. My original BTA is doing fine, moved a little from his new spot that I moved him to, but has been happy for the past few weeks. If he starts to move around like the other one did I'm pulling him. If he stays put he will continue to make a nice addition to my tank, BUT I will NOT buy another one.


New Member
Here are two photos of the anemone's I am referring to. The purple on looks bleached, is this what bleaching looks like?
The white one is still doing great. The purple one has found a spot with little to no water movement and has been there a week or so without floating around the tank!!



Active Member
They are both fairly bleached, I doubt your lighting is sufficient for them to survive long term, but I cant say that 100% without knowing more about the brand of light and type of bulbs. Those appear to be an atlantic anemone, maybe a condi.. but im not 100% on that.