

New Member
Can a sea anemone move around and get stuck between some rocks then die? I mean will getting stuck kill it cause it doesnt like where its at? I have this Long Tentacle Sea Anemone and its in between some rocks and it looks like it might be trying to get out. But it cant.


From my reading and experiences, I have found that Anemones often seek out a crevice to plant their foot in. This is where most of them prefer to situate themselves.


I would have to agree with jeffandnance. I'm sure he put himself in the crevice because that's where he's most comfortable. Most Anemones are comfortable in crevices. It's where they're often found in the wild, and it's a good thing when they have the opportunity to act like they do in the wild, at least to an extent. I wouldn't worry about it for now :)


New Member
i have a purple tip aneonme and it lives in 75 gal it travels all over in there its clown fish just goes where it does an anenomes foot is very well how would you put words to it? elastic like? any ways you shouldnt have to worry about it geyying stuck if its healty its good to go i feed mine thawed salad shrimp once aweek and let em live