

my anomone was doing well when i first put him in the he is not looking so good.55 gal all pars .ok 500 watts mh lighting 2 power heads 20 gal sump.any suggestions?


How long have you had this anemone?
What kind of anemone is it?
LIve rock and sand substrate?
Is there a skimmer on this tank?
Have you been feeding this anemone?
How long is your photo period?
Can you post a pic of it?
Can you describe what "not looking so good" means?



thanks for the reply thomas712.yes on the skimmer its a ramora c,i put him in the tank about 3 weeks ago,


Looks all grey and unhealthy to me. Its definitely stressed about something.
My suggestions:
1. Double check those water parameters and post them if you would, this should include alkalinity, calcium, temp and pH ave. I would immediately suspect a nitrate problem as I see evidence of problematic algae in the pic. I would also suspect that is a result of having crushed coral substrate. If necessary have LFS test as well and compare that to your own results.
2. Crushed coral is sharp and may be causing the anemone some stress as well, I might place it on a rock if it were a BTA or sebae, most of the other types of anemone prefer to plant there foot into a sand substrate. I'd switch to sand.
I can't tell what type of anemone this is from the pic, what was he sold to you as?
I have a strong feeling that it is your water parameters


i checked the pars again,nitrate 5ppm the algea you see in the pic i think is caused from sun light my tank is in my basement this time of year the sun hits it for about an hour but that is gone now(winter months)i do agree with rhe crushed coral going to try to move him to rock thanks again.