

if I were to get one which Anemone would be the best choice for a 40 gallon breeder with 384 watts of pc lighting. thanks


I would say a florida Condi or a BTA (bubble tip) I have one of each and both are doing very well.
Condi is under VHO lighting now, was under PC for 5 months,a dn the BTA is under PC for 4 month and counting.



for my 30 gallon, they were definately thriving. the BTA even split in the 30 after he'd beenin there for about 2+ months.
Unfortunately the BTA's twin didn't make his second encounter with the filter intake.
Make sure you have the intakes covered with sponge or they may wander into them.
I believe the Condi's are amongst the eaisier anemonies to keep.
Make sure you have good flow and good filtration, a skimmer preferred, and they will do very well (IMO)

read up on the clownfish & anemone section in this site and read some books on anemones' and you should have no problem caring for one in you tank.

Edit: Yep, Florida COndi, and he is not 100% size in that picture. Once I put him int he 100G, i swear he exploded and doubled in size!!