

I have 2 questions 1. can you put 2 bubble tip anemones in the same tank? 2.does anemones count as fish for tank loads?


Active Member
Originally Posted by swaziland
I have 2 questions 1. can you put 2 bubble tip anemones in the same tank? 2.does anemones count as fish for tank loads?
You can, what are your tank inhabitants? ANMONES especially BTA need VHO or HALIDES to thrive, They definately count as bio-load they eat and produce waste..


Back in the day when we used to try to keep BTA's, we had 2 without a problem. Of course due to our inexperience, we decided to know longer try and keep BTA's even though they are supposed to be easier than the Sebaes we have now. And we have 2 of those in our now 90g tank (used to be a 55g) without a problem. However, I should state that any anemones are not easy to care for and we learned a lot of lessons in keeping them.


I have about 10 in my tank. They are all clones of 1 original.


Active Member
Originally Posted by essop3
I have about 10 in my tank. They are all clones of 1 original.
MY LTA is like 16" long, Ive had it like 2years and im wondering if its ever going to spilt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by essop3
I have about 10 in my tank. They are all clones of 1 original.
Clones are considered more safe to mix then non-related anemones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alane67
Jumping in here, sorry
But what is a clone??
A bud from a parent anemone.


Active Member
They split. It's actually kind of annoying. I always wanted one nice full BTA and mine never got over 4 inches before splitting. You can have more than one but they will (depending on size) equate for as much as if not more waste than most fish. I deffinately suggest a good skimmer. Don't need halides necessarily although they are best. Strong power compacts and t-5s are a cheaper option. They also don't create as much heat.


Originally Posted by team2jndd
They split. It's actually kind of annoying. I always wanted one nice full BTA and mine never got over 4 inches before splitting. You can have more than one but they will (depending on size) equate for as much as if not more waste than most fish. I deffinately suggest a good skimmer. Don't need halides necessarily although they are best. Strong power compacts and t-5s are a cheaper option. They also don't create as much heat.
We have 2 large sebae anemones that have never split. The oldest we have had for 2 years, give or take a few months. Does it require anything special to split or just when they feel like it? I have heard of someone actually cutting them, but I thought that sounded awful!


Active Member
I deffinately wouldn't cut one IN my tank. As to exactly what makes them split I know I don't know and I'm not entirely sure who on this site you could ask.... I think however if you cut one that wasn't ready to split it may just heal the cut. You can ask someone in the anemone forum I am sure somebody would give you a better answer.


Well, we won't be cutting a thing. We have no experience with that sort of thing and even though anemones don't do much, we like them very much. But I may check out the clowner forum on that for curiosity sake. I just don't want someone trying it who has no experience with it. I have noticed the younger hobbists thinking it would be soooo easy to frag corals or breed clownfish and make $$. I am certainly not into making money off our tanks. Just spending it on our tanks!


Active Member
I think fragging is a great way to pay for some of the cost of your tank. You can even frag corals and trade them with the lfs for different ones. You just have to know what you are doing. Reefkprz is great with fragging he can help you.


Originally Posted by team2jndd
I think fragging is a great way to pay for some of the cost of your tank. You can even frag corals and trade them with the lfs for different ones. You just have to know what you are doing. Reefkprz is great with fragging he can help you.
Definitly, but until we learn, I am not cutting anything. We mostly would like to do trading at frag swaps! But not until after the kids get a little older.


Active Member
Anemones can split instead of growing large when they are in less then ideal conditions. If your anemones are growing and not splitting consider it a good thing.