


your clown fish should be okay,, sorry about the anemone,, mine is having a hard time too,, for one my water level accidently has gone toxic...not good... and my new stupid crab,,started trying to eat it!!! i thought crabs ate the algae and stuff...not this one ...hes a hungry little dummie...welp i moved my anemone to the other side of the tank..hes looking better..but im really new to this and not sure how to care for them?? ---any suggestions anyone?>
thanks <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Active Member
Sorry to hear that you lost your anemone.
I realize it is too late to save it - but if you'd offer up some info, maybe we can help for future reference.
What kind of anemone was it ?
What size tank do you have, and can you tell us anything about your lighting and feeding.
Water quality test info too if you have it.
Was it doing fine for this one month period, never shrinking at all ?? Then on Jan. 31, started shriveling up and turning white ?
Your clownfish may exibit some unusual behavior since you removed the anemone, but it will be fine soon enough. Contrary to what many think - Clowns do NOT need an anemone to survive in our tanks.
Anemones require excellent water conditions, good circulation, sufficient lighting of the proper spectrum, and quality foods. Most would agree that they are very difficult to keep in this hobby - for long periods of time.
KaytiaraFaith - what are you referring to when you said you "water level accidently has gone toxic" ???


well we took it in to get checked cuz our shrimp died and he was new,, and the guy said our water was toxic? no bacteria, high nitrate levels,,, im not too sure he said bring it back once a week for testing and that he doesnt know how my fish are still alive?


is your tank a new one? i'd really hate to give you some bad news but 1 reason your anemone might have died is because if your tank is new, tanks go through many ups and downs and alge blooms in that first year that can greatly affect these types of inverts. anems. should be placed in an established tank at least a year old anyway, corals shouldnt be added for at least 6 months themselves. (alge blooms will suffocate them both) also anems. should be kept by the most experienced aquariest or just left in the ocean. in the wild most anems. will outlive most humans in a closed aquarium most dont make it a full year and have very poor survival rates. also they are more difficult than most corals. i myself really wanted one until i did a lot of research on these and changed my mind.
as far as your clown he should be fine they can live quite well w/o a host, or maby get him a mate if you do make sure it is a lot smaller because the larger ones are generally the female and the smaller ones remain males. also they may accept other host: corals, clams, a large shell of some type, i've even seen small plastic flower pots used as host. so maby you'll try that. you could always try another amem. but wouldn't really reccomend it. HTH


New Member
broomer5, fishman1, and karlas:
February 11th marks my first anniversary in this hobby. It hasn't been as relaxing as I thought. Now is when I'm starting to enjoy my aquarium aside from this recent anemone loss and my mantis shrimp problem.
As for what type of anemone I had, it was a bubble tip anemone. I have a 120gal tank, 2VHO, 2HO and 1blue actinic lights. I fed the anemone once a week some silversides, marine snow daily. She never shrunk for the one month that i had her. It happened overnight. She went underneath a rock the night of 30 Jan so I couldn't reach her. On 31 Jan, I found her on the sand underneath the same rock. I was able to reach her and when I turned her around she was in the condition which I described on 31 Jan: shriveled, digestive cavity or mouth exposed, whitish color. I attached her to another rock but on the morning of 01 Feb found her dead. Boomer5 was this info what you needed for a diagnosis?