Anemone ?


I purchased a pink tip haitian anemone and after it was ready to go into the tank I placed it on a rock (Yes it moved) BUT it moved to the back of the tank with rocks all around has plenty of room because it is moving back and forth some, but my question is this....will it be able to get out from behind the rock? I have read that they will climb, and I am trying not to bother it.


He will be fine, just let him go until he finds a spot where he feels comfortable. Just make sure your powerheads and intake tubes are covered so it don't get sucked in.


He will go to where he is comfortable. If the light and water movement is right for him where he's at now, he'll stay there. If not he will move til he finds a spot that is right for him. It would be nice if we could put an anemone where we want it, but unfortunatly it don't work that way.
You can move it 20 times to the front of the tank, but if the conditions are not right it will move everytime and all you will be doing is stressing it out.
You could try to match the water movement and lighting in front of the tank.
But one thing to remember- a roaming anemone is a unhappy anemone.