Originally Posted by
nothing but MH's? so untrue.
i have PC's and have had 2 anems over a month now doing great. and getting bigger. a hatian pinktip and a bulb.
mh arnt needed IMO. unless you have super light sensative corals.
and besides how many people can afford thousands of dollars on MH's plus the bulb's not i thats for sure.
I have seen anemones take well over a year to slowly starve because of lack of zooxanthallae being produced because of lack of light. A month is NOTHING.. six months is a tiny hurdle/step.. post pics of your anemones, now, and then again a year from now..
Some species will need MH because they wander in search of point source lighting (H.magnifica). Others will need the power/punch of the MH to punch through to a sand bed where light lovers such as S.gigantea reside..
Sure some anemones can do will with stronger florescent type lighting (T-5,PC,VHO) such as a BTA, but for the most part would do better with halides.
If you cant afford the proper lighting for the proper animals, you will need a different hobby, or need to keep different animals.
Also, the cost of MH bulbs is cheaper in the long term.. not as many bulb to replace, and not needed to replace as often.
And a simple MH retrofit, can often be just as cheap as a florescent fixture. Wspecially if you are the handy type