Anemones and Lighting


When we purchased our tank (and knew zero about the hobby) the LFS talked us into the 'better' lighting so we could eventually have anemones. We bought an Ice Cap 440 ballast and two 60" URI vho bulbs at 140w apiece. One is super actinic and one is 50/50.
The tank is 110gal and the light is about 18" from the sand. Ive read as much as I could find lately about anemones and are leaning toward a bubble-tip.
I know the answer to the lighting question is always: more is better, but is what we have even close to adequate for BTA survival? And if not BTA, any other anemone?
So you have 280wts total. AM i correct? If i am, that is about 2-3 wts per gallon. That is OK to have mushrooms, all soft corals, all leathers, hammers, bubbles, etc. An anemone, maybe...
I would say, yes. Make sure you give it as much lighting as posible, and feed it once every week! A BTA would be the easyest anemone to keep. Heck, i kept a BTA for 2 months with NO lighting and i feed it everyother day...
Just try one, feed it everyother day/once a week, and see how it does. Make sure you get a nice one with nice bubble tips. Just to tell you, do some more reaserch on them to find out as much as you can. I wouldnt really recommend buying them due to the short life span of them, and all the work they need. Also, if you want, you could upgrade your lighting to 2-3 MH. You can get these at:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
They will sell them all to you put together and everything for about $1000-1200. I hope this helped!