Anemone's and their lighting needs.


Active Member
would i be able to get 2x65w light in a 22g? i was thinking of a BTA or a RBTA. how often should i feed it silversides?


Active Member
Your tank would have to be well established with pristine conditions before you can get any Anemones from what I hear. :D


Active Member
I think you'd be better off getting a Hammer, Frogspawn, Tourch or other LPS..Your plan is to have clowns and anemones, right? If you do a little homework you'll find that anemones are not the best things to start with, even experts have a hard time keeping anemones alive. Their really not the ideal critter to have in a reef..
My pair of clowns used a frogspawn and hammer as a host.
Take a look at the link below.......


Active Member
i like how the RBTA is. ive been in the reef hobby for a while. but i also like frogspawn and hammers. i geuss i allways thought they were more exspensive. frogspawns sting is strong enough for a human without allergic reactions to feel it?


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
. ive been in the reef hobby for a while.

then you should know that anemones are not the best thing to have in a reef...I really don't see where the money thing comes in to play. Why buy something from the LFS that will die in a month or two. If your lucky it wont move around and sting your other corals, if you have any. Then there's the anemone in the powerhead trick.
If you feel you must have a anemone then you might try getting one that is tank raised


Active Member
i dont feel that i must have an anemone. but i have good lighting for some corals. do u suggest a hammer or frogspawn for my tank, a possible host for my maroon clown?


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
a possible host for my maroon clown?

probably not a good choice for a 22 gal tank.


Active Member
if ur talking about the maroon, thats the only fish i have and he seems to be doing geat. alot of people recommended that would be a good choice for a reef tank with just 1 fish.


Active Member
I don't recommend an anemone for your tank. I have an RBTA in my 36 with 2x65 watts PC and it's health is decreasing. The color in its tentacles have slowly faded. I'll be getting MH later this month though.
Also another point, anemones don't always do well in small tanks like that. Water stability is critical for anemones.


Active Member
u also have 16g more than me.. that can make a difference. i did the wattage per gallon thing and i come out to 5.9wpg


Active Member
Please do not use the WPG equation.
13 watts on a .75 gallon would be the smae WPG as 1300 watts on a 75 gallon. But some things can live under 1300 watts but not on the 13 watts, no matter how small the tank is.


the wpg doesnt exactly work, ive read that anemones do better in tanks of 30gals +, because in smaller tanks like 22gals the parimeters can fluctuate easier making the anemone stressed and unhealthy, in my opinion i would rather not use an anemone, use another coral that can do well in smaller tanks, look at it this way "you dont want to go out and kill an anemone, youd rather it be healthy and living even if it nots in your tank" plus clowns use many things as hosts like the sponge on powerheads, gsp, Xenia, and many others


Active Member
alright. ill probly end up not getting an anemone. probly a hammer or frogspawn which ever one i come by first


About two monthe ago i bought an anemone that was hosting a clown. I get it home an in about 3 days the clown is dead but the anemone is doing fine! i am new to this hobby and my LFS told me that anemones were easy to keep, after studying up i think diferent!! should i take it back or see what it can do?



Originally posted by wocka
tanks been set up for 11 months, 1 year in november

Umm, dont u mean "10" months old then, considering it is the beginning of september....OCTOBER.....November.... That would be 10 months if october is one year, unless u count differently whee u live:notsure: