anemones being sucked into powerheads


New Member
Help, how do you prevent anenomes from commiting suicide during the night. Ive had three very expensive ones catch themselves in powerheads in the last two months!!!!!!1 :mad:


okay, this has happened to me twice! Mine was sucked into my canister and my penguin filter intake strainers. You can use those sponge things (which i tried the first time) but they start to look like crap after a while cuz they collect so much junk plus theyre really bulky. So i went to HD and bought a HUGE roll of black screen door screen for like $6. I just wrapped it around the intake strainer and rubber-banded it around the neck. i cut the excess and they look great. Not bulky like the sponges and most of the smaller particles fit through the screen holes!!! Plus no more sucky sucky for my anem!!!


Active Member
I've done both methods (used tulle instead of screen though). IMHO, the sponges are better not only for anemones but fish too. I lost a kole tang to a PH b/c my sponge pre- filter fell off. I believe the sponge would of gave him a chance and the tulle would of still let the tang be stuck (though tulle has saved a few anemones before I added the sponges). There is just more of a "buffer element" with the sponges, IMO.