Anemones/ Clownfish 200 gaallon


Would it be possible to keep a pair of gold stripe maroons a pair of true percs a pair of occelaris and a pair of tomatoes in a 200 gallon provided that they all have thier own anemones?


Active Member
Eight clowns in one tank?!?!?! :scared: No way. Especially when one pair is maroon. They are very territorial and will kill any other clowns that get near them.
As for the individual anemone thing, many percs and ocelarius clowns will not host in one for whatever reason. In addition, anemones move on their own. Eventually they will end up near another one and then you will have a battle on your hands!!
In a tank that size, you may get away with percs and tomatoes, or tomatoes and ocellarius, but I would limit it to that. The tomatoes will readily host so another pair of clowns (except maroons) would learn quickly to stay away from them and their anemone.


Ill prolly put the maroons in their own tank. but on the occelaris tomatoes and true percs would 2 of each get along in the tank if i added them all at the same time?
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
The 6 clowns would probably get along for a while.....until they started to mature. Then the dominant females will most likely squabble over territory. In that size tank, you may get lucky and things will be fine, but be prepared to take one pair out if necessary.