anemones + corals =?


i was wondering if you can keep corals and anemones together. i have a carpet and bta and i wanted to get xenia, pipe organ coral and sun corals. will they kill each other in a 125g?


Active Member
As long as they have enough room for their own space they'll be ok. I've got a carpet and an RBTA with corals.


how long have u had them together? i heard that even having two types of anemones will NEVER work. mine are fine but they r relativly new. i heard on the order of many months to years they will eventually kill each other. hw long have u had the 2 anomeones together?


Active Member
I've had a few RBTAs since mid 2004 because they split a few times, but now I only have one. My red carpet anemone I got March third of this year and I got a mini carpet maybe a month or so before that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jazzyz
how long have u had them together? i heard that even having two types of anemones will NEVER work. mine are fine but they r relativly new. i heard on the order of many months to years they will eventually kill each other. hw long have u had the 2 anomeones together?
I suspect Viper has devised a clever way to run carbon or some other way to help avoid the chemical war.
Anemones can chemically war against each other.
Remember, anemones are not actually "reef" safe. They can move, and they can kill corals that they come into contact with. Many of us keep anemones in a reef tank, but be warned it can be bad.


An anemone needs to go where it wants. The best way to keep it in one place is to make it happy where you want it. If it is unhappy it will relocate. An anemone on the move is not a good thing. Once it finds a great place with the flow and light it desires it will stay put.
I would like to put a carpet in my new 75 and will probably put it in first, let it settle in then start adding corals.


Active Member
You can keep an anemone in place by either gluing or stapling it to a rock.
Ok, I'm kidding of course :) But there is no guarantee that an anemone will stay put even if happy. I have a single horror story dating back about 2 years maybe? A friend of a former friend of mine had a 90G reef with a BTA in it. It had been in the tank for about three years in one spot; one day, it decided to pick up the family and move. He came home and found quite a bit of dead coral, lost some more the following week, and then lost the BTA as it got sucked into a powerhead.
No guarantees with anemones unless you isolate them, such as in an enclosure inside the tank with proper ventilation. But that would probably be a bad idea as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I suspect Viper has devised a clever way to run carbon or some other way to help avoid the chemical war.
Anemones can chemically war against each other.
Remember, anemones are not actually "reef" safe. They can move, and they can kill corals that they come into contact with. Many of us keep anemones in a reef tank, but be warned it can be bad.
I've actually been slacking off on the carbon lately.
I'll probably setup my new phos reactor with carbon this weekend.