anemones in my filter


New Member
Hi. This is my first post ever but an amazing thing happened. My 2 Anomones disappearead for a couple of week and I just thought they had crawled under a rock or maybe died and deterioated (Im kind of a newbie). Anyway, while doing my maintanence I found them both inside my fluva canister filter :scared: First of all...HOW? they went through the little slits in the intake tube, up the tube, thru the hose, and thru the propeller in the filter. Second...believe it or not :notsure: ....once I got them back in the tank...they are doing fine :yes: thats right...they survived the 'trip' and at least 2 weeks in total darkness inside my canister. Actually, they look healthier than the one that didn't go thru the filter. :thinking: Has anyone ever heard of such a thing??...What can I do to prevent it from happening again? Wierd huh?


Originally Posted by fliotta
Hi. This is my first post ever but an amazing thing happened. My 2 Anomones disappearead for a couple of week and I just thought they had crawled under a rock or maybe died and deterioated (Im kind of a newbie). Anyway, while doing my maintanence I found them both inside my fluva canister filter :scared: First of all...HOW? they went through the little slits in the intake tube, up the tube, thru the hose, and thru the propeller in the filter. Second...believe it or not :notsure: ....once I got them back in the tank...they are doing fine :yes: thats right...they survived the 'trip' and at least 2 weeks in total darkness inside my canister. Actually, they look healthier than the one that didn't go thru the filter. :thinking: Has anyone ever heard of such a thing??...What can I do to prevent it from happening again? Wierd huh?

I've actually heard of this....usually it is proceed by subtle signs of unhappiness...isolation and listening to the Cure....afterwhich time they attempt to take their own lives...cure...add a prozac drip :hilarious
Listening to Michael Bolton and/or Phil Collins would also be the cause of this suicide attempt.
But to answer your question...nope, never heard of such a time...lucky little guys


Active Member
thats pretty weird, maybe try putting some mesh netting over ur filter slits. ive had a royal gramma go down into my wet dry and live in the top filter padding, he almost got into the bioballs, about 2 days later he was gone again and i never saw him again, i even checked the floor to see if he jumped out.


Active Member
Cover your intakes(I use sponges), gaurd your heaters, and if it looks healthy it might be that is was getting all the excess food that was coming down to the filter...kind of like an all you can eat smorgi for your anemone. What kind of anemones are these, and you are very lucky that it did not die.


New Member
Not sure what they are caled. One is purple and one is pink-tipped white. I have a picture of them but cant figure out how to post it here...Im used to seeing a "browse' button. :needhelp:


Active Member
:D go to paint, open the picture u wanna post, then go to view or edit or sumtnin up top, and look for stretch/skew, then type in 20% by 20%and itll work


Yesterday I purchased my first anemone, a LTA. I woke up this morning and he was halfway into my top filter intake tube. I quickly unplugged the filter and disconnected the part he was stuck in. I set it on the sand and hoped that since he got in there, that he will be able to pull himself out. If not, im going to have to cut the slits to get him out. Anyone ever had any experience with this?? Any suggestions?? When he gets out, im going to see if I can find any kind of screen filters to slide over the regular plastic slits on the intake tubes so it doesnt happen again.
Also, how long does it usually take for an anemone to find a place it likes and actually anchor itself there? Or are they constantly moving from place to place?