anemones keep dying


New Member
I had a atlantic for 3 weeks and a carpet for about 3weeks and they are bolth dead. All my levels are fine.I have a Eco system mud filter.The fish are doing well.Help...............


Active Member
Anemones are by far the most delicate creature in my tank, they move, they won't put up with too much water movement or not enough lighting, and at the same time can die if introduced to alot of lighting too quickly. Have you tested your calcium and KH levels? I would go with some corals instead if I were you. There are some corals that don't require extreme lighting, do you know the wattage you have now?


Active Member
First, your salinity is to low…you want it more around 1.025. Second, you need very intense lighting for your carpet (you want around 8.5 watts a gallons). Also, carpets in general have a very high mortality rate in captivity, many are extracted incorrectly or are damaged in route and might live a month in captivity before they die. I’d suggest a rock anemone to start with, they are fairly hardy and will host come clowns (my two Clakii’s love mine).


Active Member
that is not nearly enough lighting for anenomes. When you said you had reef lighting i was afraid of this..... you have the normaloutput floecent lights. I bought the same ones for my eclipse. one is like ocean-sun and a coral-sun or something...... They say they give enough power to benifit corals and such but there are very very few corals you can keep with them. Only ones like sun corals that are not photosynthetic.
A carpet anenome needs high lighting. You only have almost 3 watts per gallon. a carpet anenome would need around 7 watts per gallon of a much higher quality lighting than you have. Your lights do not have enough power to reach down to the bottom of the tank, and not enough lux or lummens to enduce enough photosynthesis for the creatures to survive. To keep any anenome, besides a tube anenome (which unlike other anenomes is sessile and remainds semi-burried in the sand bed), you need at least 6 watts per gallon of powercompacts. That will allow you to keep one such as a bubbletip. For a carpet i would go with a 250 watt metal halide or a good number of VHOs. (although once a carpet got bit, it would have a hard time fitting in a 30 gallon......)


Active Member
Ya, your gonna need more light for a anemone. 80 watts on a 30 gallon isn't enough for them, how tall is the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
beat ya to it mr_bill....jk

LOL, I did a edit on mine. Damn you!!!!!

fish46, I know they sold you that setup and they do that probably because thats what they had in stock right then that would fit the top of your tank. It's all about making money, you can probably fit a second fixture up there. I had to add a second one on the top of my 45 corner tank and I don't think it looks TOO bad.


Active Member
they sold you the 80 watts and said it was enough to keep an anenome? Those are the normal output florecents right? I dont know of any other bubls that come in 40 watts
sorry to say, that they were jsut trying to get you to buy, It has heppened to all of us


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
It has heppened to all of us
Aint that the truth!!
See if the shop will let you return them and add in that you want to buy more expensive lights. That usually gets them going on your side.
A good LFS is hard to find.. mine actually talked me out of buying more lights the last time I went. How often have you heard of such a thing??!!


Active Member
mine has usualy been very good to me.... except when they sold me a mandarin and 10 pounds oflive rock........JUST 10 pounds of live rock...and when i found taht wasnt enough tried to sell me lighting and said that is what copepods need........and a carnation coral that melted in their tank, and had a sudden recovery of a few small pieces....... but all in all they are good esspecialy cause now i know what im doing


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
.and when i found taht wasnt enough tried to sell me lighting and said that is what copepods need........
Ohhhh Nooooooo, thats nutty.


Active Member
I agree you will spend around $200 on PC lights just to keep a bubble anemone and around $500 for good lighting to keep a carpet. I know a guy that has spent around $1000 on lighting (and many more has spent well over that).