Anemones Spitted


One Day After I Came Home From Work, I Saw My Anemones Has Spitted Into 3. Has Anyone Have Any Experience? And Is There Anything I Need To Do? Like Feeding Them Or Anything.


Active Member
yup. It is actualy a good sign that your tank is suitble for them. You can keep them or you can even sell two of them. This is usualy done so you dont eventualy have tons and tons of little anenomes that are stinging all of your corals. Or better yet, you can send one to me :thinking: lol


Yeah, I've had it happen a time or two in my tank..Ok maybe 20 or 25 times, who knows anymore?
Personally I'd wait a few days, then feed them some fine chopped meaty foods, wait a few more days and then sell two of them to your LFS or give them away. Or you might wind up with this.


thanks for the info. today they shrink to a very small size. but i think it should be fine. and i will probably keep them as my 2 clowns like to switch sleeping between them. since the only coral i have are 3 clams and xenia, which is spreading too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
yup. It is actualy a good sign that your tank is suitble for them.
Not always true. Anemones would split in good times, but also when they are stressed to preserve the species.