Anemones Sucked Up (Need Help)


Every once in a while my Anemones move next to a Power Head and get sucked into one of them, The power head is a Aqua Clear 802 with a Prefilter from a Seaclone Skimmer with the foam removed. This has happened with 1 Atlantic (Condi) Anemone and a Green Carpet. When they get stuck, they will not shrink to get out of the prefilter piece after sitting with the head turn off. Any recommendations. This has happened twice in about 15 months.


Active Member
Couldn't you just replace the foam covers on the intakes and that would keep them from getting sucked up.


When I have the foam on the prefilter it really seemed to restrict the flow too much and the prefilters appeared to clog up in a short period of time.


My anemone got sucked up the first day i got him. I put some Live Rock in the way to stop it happening again
. But now he's settled in to a place he likes (FAR AWAY FROM THE POWERHEADS)... Anemone's shouldnt really wander unless they're unhappy...


I agree i had the same prob i lost a bulb anemone because of that. i just recently got another rose anemone and he went straight for the power head also, so i rearanged my rock and he found a place wher hes happy its been about 3 months now and no trouble.


Active Member
Some time back I saw a pic of someones tank who had cut a plastic practice golf ball to fit over the intake ( whiffle ball would work) so that there was always an opening even if something did get up against one side.


I had the same problem at the end of the week last week. I had just got an anemone and after about 4 days he moved thanks to the help of my clownfish. He got sucked into a powerhead that I had unprotected. Suffice to say now I have the foam sponge on the intake of the 2 powerheads in my tank. I'm a little worried about the intake for my filter, but if he gets caught, he won't get shredded as easily like he will on a powerhead.
Btw, what kind of lighting do you have? If he moves alot it could be that or he's getting hammered with water flow.