Anemones suitable for hosting


I have a question; maybe it's silly but hey, I'm new at this..
I tried doing a search but didn't find anything that answered my particular Q.
My apologies if this is the begillionth time you've had to answer this question.
Will any anemone host a clownfish?
I know it depends on the fish it's level of craziness - um, I mean uniqueness..
but in general can curly Q's, Hawaiian reds, any
anemone be a suitable host? :notsure:
Ya here is a web site that tells you what clownfish will host what type of anemone! And since your new at this, here is a couple more web sites that tells you all about anemone's, and what there care level is.. Make sure you research that anemone before buying, it will save you time and money!!
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Thank you! That was exactly what I was looking for!
Everyone's so helpful on this site. I love it!
Thanks again!


Active Member
lots of people get bubble tips, i myself have a condi and my maroon hosted him in 10mins, now he wont leave the comfort of him!


Active Member
Originally Posted by skipperdz
lots of people get bubble tips, i myself have a condi and my maroon hosted him in 10mins, now he wont leave the comfort of him!
That's possible and does happen, but the Condi is from the Caribbean whereas Clowns are from the Pacific.