

Active Member
I know that most anemones enjoy only very strong lights, VHO or MH. But, is there any that I could keep in my 30 under 130W of PC?


Active Member

Originally posted by Dacia
I know that most anemones enjoy only very strong lights, VHO or MH. But, is there any that I could keep in my 30 under 130W of PC?

Perhaps BTA or RBTA. Just my opinion. :D


Active Member
I wouldn't recommend even a BTA or RBTA. I have an RBTA in my 36 gallon with 130 watts of PC and its health has gone down drastically due to insuffecient lighting. Good think I'll be receiving the last part to my MH setup this week. :joy:


It is possible to keep BTA's under the lighting you have. Everyones tank will be different, but with respect to the lighting I did it with VHO and about the same watts per gallon ratio that you have.
I agree that I would not try the RBTA with that lighting, even more experienced hobbiests seem to be having trouble with RBTA's that are seeming to enjoy stronger lights.