

i realize that these anemones take high lighting and almost perfect water levels.
1)i need to know how long would it take a captive breed clown to host a anemones? and a wild one?
2)what kind of lighting that i would be able to put in a 29 biocube that would be good for the anemones. or is the lighting already suffiecient that it comes with.
3)what kind of anemones should i get with a pair of false percs?
Atlantic Carpet Anemone, or bubble tip anemone or other.


Active Member
1) There is no way to know. Clowns can be funny in that they will only host what they want when they want. There is no guarantee that they will host in the anemone at all.
2) 150w HQI Metal Halide... the lighting that comes with it will not be sufficient for most anemones.
3) no opinion here other than to say clowns will also host in many corals. My clowns have hosted in Xenia (they loved the Xenia), Hairy Shrooms (currently) & Frogspawn (the frogspawn did not like this much..).


Active Member
My clowns are captive bred. They host in a large feather duster and in/on a group of mushrooms. Won't look at an anemone at all.


I've got 6 shaving Brushes (Live Plant) and my two clowns host in the biggest ou of the six. They love it !!!!


my clowns host a green button polyp, they won't even go near an anemone but our three spotted damsel hosted the bubble tip anemone.that was cool.


I had two tank raised perculas that wouldn't host with a sebae or bubble tip for months. I put two wild caught Clarkiis in and they went right to them. Now they switch off anemones and sometimes go in together. Seems to make a difference IMO if they're wild caught or not. Just my experience.

aztec reef

Active Member
i've had the same percula clown for the last 41/2 year, when i first bought it i also bought a sabea anemone that it was hosting in but when i put both in my tank it took host in a pot coral totally ignoring the anemone . so you never know its mostly up to the clowns ....


Active Member
one likes a powerhead, the other likes the filter inlet. I've heard of taping a photo to the side of your tank depicting a clown in an anemone. (face it toward the fishes)
They aren't called clown fish for nuthin'