

New Member
Putting an anemone in a fish only tank that has 1 marron clown 1 coral beauty 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 emerald crab 1 hermit crab and 1 sally lightfoot crab. ZCould i do it in my 29 gallon with live sand and live rock?


ok anenomes need a ton of light to live.....ifi were you, i would read up on then a whole lot, and do a search on this board, they are pretty hard to keep too. i had one a long time ago before i had my vho, i only had one 55w pc on my 55, had to give the anenome back cause i was not able to give it enough light at the i have my 440w vho on my 55 and corals are doing way better and i have a green carpet anenome that is about the size of a football.....just do a search and fing out what all anenomes need, and then look and see if you can honestly give it what it needs to survive happily


Staff member
Pat, how are doing with keeping an anemone that big in a 55. Must not be much room for anything else!
My condylactus anemone does not seem to like strong lighting. He eats cocktail shrimp every other day and moves to the bottom of a tall tank wheneveer I move him to a strongly lit spot. On the other hand my flower/rock anemone thrives in strong lighting and does not eat meaty foods.
LFS says condy are not photosynthetic and other anemones are.
What is the truth?


hey beth, i am actualy having a lot of luck.....i am very hapy that i got it that big.......its base is in the sand, almost tucked under a piece of rock, and he half opens up on the rock, half in the sand......i guess he is pretty healthy, i have had it a while and sometimes he is like normal, sometimes he is HUGE!!!!!!!!! every once in a while ill hive him some thawed krill and he munches......when i look underneath it, i am amazed at how big the foot part is, iswear it it almost as big as my fist!!!!!!!! it was a great addition to my reef.......if i took some time i could maybe find a place to put pics on the net, or if anyone wants to post the pic for me, let me know, and i'll email you the pic