


*I'm not sure if this belongs here, but.. *
Help! I just got done cycling my tank about a week ago, and I'm trying to add some Anemones to my tank. It's a 30 gallon tank.
What are some good hosting anemones?
Anything else helpful about Anemones or Clowns? (I'm going to put a pair of Black and White Percula's in, in a few weeks :)


Well, I told the guy that I was done cycling my tank after a GOOD month of cycling.. And I told him I wanted some clowns and Anemones and he told me I can get some cheap Pink-tip Anemone's.. I went and bought 2 55 watt 50/50's and i'm going to start adding some LR soon.
Any more suggestions?
Thanks a bunch :)


Yes, Nick, your question belongs here.
And Welcome to the board.
Anemones have special requirements, and are often best suited for experienced aquariests. Knowing nothing about your experience, I may be preaching to the choir.
However, tell us more about your tank... Things like lighting, water parameters, and how long it's been set up.
I do believe you may want to wait on such an addition until you have learned more, and your tank matures.
Patience is not a virtue with salt water tanks, it's a neccessity.


OOps, you beat me to the punch on some of the questions, but for your overall enjoyment, wait on the delicate species and don't let a salesman take your money.


I've been doing fresh water aquariums for about 4 years. I bought a "Complete Idiot's Guide to Salt-Water Aquariums" and been reading that for about 2 months. Then, I went out and got a nice 30 gallon tank w/ stand. It was stock with a 20 watt hood.. and I changed it to a compact 2x55 watt flourescent bulbs at purchase of tank and equiptment.
I own a "Over the back filter" for a 80 gallon tank, that the LFS said was plenty for a 30 gallon tank.
It's been on a complete cycle for a GOOD month (maybe a little more.. just waiting this month for pay-day to add things.)
So, I went to LFS and said I just got done cycling my tank and told him it was a 30 gallon tank. I told him my lighting and filtration. And I told him I wanted a clown tank w/ some LR and LS, SC and Anemones. And he said that the Pink-Tip Anemones were cheap and easy to maintain.
Did he and I go wrong? What should be done?
Any more suggestions?
Thanks a lot,


He lives in my neighboorhood and owns his own company. So, I trust him.. or should I not? Should I go somewhere else? I've been doing all my fresh-water aquariums through him.
I was going to wait a few months before adding anything else. Maybe some LR that's about it.


I have a Condi anemone . From what I have researched they are one of the hardiest of all species.I spot feed mine a couple times a week and also add DT's to the water a couple times a week and so far it is very happy. I was also told that the tank should be at least 6 months old before adding one and if it were me doing it over I would do alot more research.


Thanks a bunch CB :)
I'm in the process of renting some books from Library.


the only anemone that I have heard called a pink tip is a condy which is not a host anemone. (granted some clowns will take to them though) They really arent a good species if you want any other corals in the tank. they seem to wander a lot causeing problems if you have other corals in the tank.
it is best to wait about 6 months or longer for the system to stabilize fully before attemting them and while you wait do some research on them. anemones (for the most part) dont have a good rate of survival in the home aquria. but if you are looking for that symbiotic relationship of the 2 I would look into fuzzy mushrooms or something that the clowns will host in and have a great track record in the tanks. the will host in a number of corals though. leathers and LPS's which are much easyier to care for than an anemone.


Thanks Mike, the guy that I got it from was "unsure" what it was. But i've also never seen him before.. so that may play a factor..
Pink Tip Haitian- source: Is what I have..
For later use.. what are some good hosting Anemones and LPS's and coral?
Thanks again.. I will try to get rid of them (store credit, hopefully) and get some soft coral and LPS's I guess..


before you go as far as starting to get any corals here are a few things.
you have 2 - 55 watt power compact lights right.
what are the K ratings for the bulbs?
do you have a skimmer and what test kits do you have?
what species of clowns are you wanting to keep?
before you get corals you will need to get some LR in the tank for several reasons
1) filtration its a main factor in biological filtration for reef tanks
2) it will give you a place to place corals in the tank
3) you might even have a nother cycle when you add the LR into the tank even though its already cycled (mini-cycle)
4) you get critters that live in the rock that will make a lot of clean up in the tank alittle easier.
but as far as what corals
Fuzzy or Hairy muchrooms
toadstool leathers
colt leathers
Green star polyps
there are more I just cant remeber them right now. I will see twhat I can find though.
and what are your readings right now as far as
salinity ( fish only systems can handle lower salinity levels than coral tanks can )
are the main ones.
I know a lot of Questions LOL but all these will help in recomendations by me and a lot of other folks on the board.


10,000k bulbs..
salinity = about 33-34 / 1.025
pH = 8.2
As for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, alkalinity and Calcium are unknown.
I am going out tomorrow to get some LR (about a good 20lbs for the moment 'till I get paid once again) and some oh the testing equiptment that you asked for. And I will get Alkalinity and Calcium chemicals for the LR.
If you want to know the readings for all.. I will reply tomorrow.
What type of testing equpitment do you suggest? When I bought the tank, I only got a pH tester (digital) and salinity tester.
Anything else to help me out? I appreciate everything said..


you deffinately need
calcium and alk
these al have major effects in a tank especially if you are wanting to keep corals.
did you take a water sample to lfs for them to make sure your cycle is finished?
its not unheard of for a cycle to last longer than normal it should be done but without the teats its only a guess.
and when you start adding livestock the rock helps in keeping the water stable and more surface area for bacteria to grow.
its really amazing that that a LFS wouldnt recomend LR as a first addition before any corals or fish.
there are many things that you will end up needing though.
a PH buffer of somekind a calcium additive to keep it in range. but all that can come alittle bit at a time. I know its tough waiting paycheck to paycheck to get more things that you need.
what sort if any skimmer did you get?
what kind of substrate and how much do you have?
the bulbs are at the right spectrum so no worry there.


BTW might want to search on the net for Rock the life is unreal compared to most LFS's have and most of the time cheaper though you have to buy a 45 or so pounds at a time.


I took a water sample to him.. and it took about a month to finish... a little long?
I have a "Over the back" filter for a 80 gal. tank that he gave to me until the purchase of a protien skimmer. He lives right around the corner from me..
And what's substrate?
I had 2 pieces of LR when the cycle began, but I am going to add some more pieces tomorrow.
Anything else? Water looks great.. the 2 damsels I have are healty and vibrant.
Thanks Mike..


substrate is like sand CC or gravel in FW tanks.
before you buy a skimmer check around some are just plain junk and are useless when it comes down to it..
a month so is about average on a cycle but it can take longer depends ona lot of factors on how long its going to take. but glad you had it teted.
on the damsels you might run into a problem with them later. they are aggressive little guys and since they are there now they have establish a territory and will defend it against new arrivals so watch that closely when you go to add the clowns.
sounds like you are on your way though just take things slowly and ask alot of questions here so you get a wide spread responce from people that dont want your money just want to see you do well ;) :p


Thanks a bunch Mike! Do you have a e-mail, incase I need something?
I have about 25lbs of Live Sand from Florida.
I also have a 80 gallon Outside Power Filter or "Over the back" filter that he said would do a great job on a 30 gal tank.
Is there a specific kind of brand of testers you prefer? Or recommend?
What's a good brand of skimmers?
Thanks again..


What about a Flower/Ricordia Mushroom (Discosoma Species) or Hard Corals? Would that ^^ be good for Clowns and other fish?
What are some good hosting Anemones?


umm really the test I have suck LOL
dont get the aquarium pharmasuticals
the ones that I havee seen people recomend here are salfrite tests. I have a few and they are fairly easy to use.
kewl on the sand that was going to be another if you had CC I was going to suggest changing it before you got to far LOL
skimmers . well I have the seaclone 100 and dont recomend it. in fact most of what I see at a LFS is junk by most people experience. a lot of people recomend the CPR BAK-PAK skimmer but I have never used it yet. the cheaper ones are just that cheap and not worth spending money on.
the outside filter will add some filtration and water movement in the tank.
do you have any Power heads for current if not I would get a couple of those as well to help. in SW if you have a place that water movement is low then you can get cyno bacteria going and its tuff to get rid of sometimes but the added current can and will help that from happening as much.
email is