anemonie acting weird


i just bought an anemone together with a 30" 65w satellite for my 30 gal tank.
my water levels are
amonia .50
nitrate 10
nitrite .25
ph 7.8
i added prime to reduce the amonia and nitrates, i dont know how good will do.
i change the water on the 17th.
this is the 4th day ive had the anemone which i put on top of my life rock but 30 min after the anemone was on the tank, it went under my life rock. ive been feeding it with half inch frozen shrimps every two days.
i feed my seahorse with the little little shrimps and pellets for my other fish alternating with frozen cubes. every other day.
today the anemone was discharging like a mucus material (brownish).
something that i notice is that when i turn the light off, the anemone shrinks and turn brown, but when the light is on (its been on for 3 days) the anemone inflates again.
half of the anemone looks healthy that is the part in direct light, the other part is not.
its a bubble anemone by the way.
i have a double bio filter (magnun 350)
i have a fire shrimp, 2 damsels, one angel, one clown, one sea horse, one star fish and 6 turbo snails, i know i have a lot of fish for my tank but ive had them for a long time, and nothing has happen to them.
Fish are in good health right now.
please look at the pictures
and if you can advise



new to this, but i see problems with your water quality... anenomes need pristine water quality...definately no ammonia or nitrItes, and very low, if any, nitrates
and if you are doing reef, i know other people will want to see your calcium and phosphate levels. also what is temp and salinity?


salinity is 1.021
calcium is 480
temperature is 80-82 F
i dont have a phospate test, i will get one today
dont they sell like stickers that you can puton your tank to test all this stuff?


should probably raise salinity, and do A HUGE water change to get the ammo/trate down....or take the anenome back till your water is good, right now your probably hurting it. REALLY PRISTINE WATER is needed


25% -wait a day, then another 25%, first 25 make salinity .023, second .025, should bring tank up to .023, you want .025


Active Member
Well, like said earlier, you need to get your ammonia, trates, and trites to 0, and your SG to 1.025-1.027. Also, your lighting is not sufficient. You would be best off with Metal Halides


You need to take the BTA back as soon as you can. He is on his way out and probably won't make even if he goes back. Any anomonie need 0Am, 0Ni, Sal 1.025, Temp 78-80, Ph should never be below 8.0, 8.2-8.4 is ideal.


That anemone is bleached out. The zooxanthellae has died off and the anemone will soon die. The zoo's are what "feeds" the anemone. Anemone should have some sort of color - green, brown, red, etc. You tank also does not have the water wuality for an anemone. You need 0- amonnia and nitrite and less than 20 nitrates. YOu need a very well established tank for anemones and also, you should not keep seahorses with anemone's. They will sting and kill your horses. Please do further research before getting other animals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dischirm
That anemone is bleached out. The zooxanthellae has died off and the anemone will soon die. The zoo's are what "feeds" the anemone. Anemone should have some sort of color - green, brown, red, etc. You tank also does not have the water wuality for an anemone. You need 0- amonnia and nitrite and less than 20 nitrates. YOu need a very well established tank for anemones and also, you should not keep seahorses with anemone's. They will sting and kill your horses. Please do further research before getting other animals.