anemonie removal?


I'm sure this has been asked before but is there a simple way to thin out them damn budding anemonies? I've never had them take over in a tank like my current 55 gal reef.


Do you mean aptaisia anemones, majono or what type of anemone.


aiptasia. I was told at the LFS that some butterflys eat them but this store it one that I don't trust. I over heard the guy tell a newbie to saltwater that it would be ok for a medium sized trigger to go into a tank with damsels. Anyways, I also noticed that he had just gotten a few new butterflys in stock. The other problem with this is I don't want my entire reef eaten when the butterfly has finished off the aiptasia What do you guys think. any other options



Originally posted by maxweljames
aiptasia. I was told at the LFS that some butterflys eat them but this store it one that I don't trust. I over heard the guy tell a newbie to saltwater that it would be ok for a medium sized trigger to go into a tank with damsels. Anyways, I also noticed that he had just gotten a few new butterflys in stock. The other problem with this is I don't want my entire reef eaten when the butterfly has finished off the aiptasia What do you guys think. any other options

LOTS of other options :)
Run a search here for aptasia (sp?). But they're usually taken care of with peppermint shrimps.
Or you can inject then with either kalk paste, or liquid calcium. kalk didnt do it for my tank, but kent's liquit calicium did.


Active Member
peppermint shrimp are really cheap and WILL eat certain kinds. Copperband butterflies are good at eating them but they are not a very easy fish to keep whatsoever....


I think I'll try the peppermint shrimp. Cheap and other websites seem to agree that they are a good bet. And even if they don't work at least I have a nice addition to the tank. No harm done either way.
Thanks guys, I'll keep the other suggestions in mind just in case though.


definitley add the pepps. most likely won't do any good but great addition. try Calcium concentrated from a turkey baster, the only thing that worked for me!


Active Member
i boiled water in microwave.sucked it in a fried turkey injector and shot it with the water,worked for me! i tried just a small syringe but it cooled off too quick,so i went with the injector.



Originally posted by LeBoeuf
definitley add the pepps. most likely won't do any good but great addition. try Calcium concentrated from a turkey baster, the only thing that worked for me!
