Originally Posted by
LOL one more reason not to trust all LFS's. No that is absolutly false, a major portion of available reef lighting is a flourescent bulb type. hit the nail on the head!
Above and beyond that you would want to look for a High output T5 fixture with individual reflectors, still a flourescent bulb type but much more intense because they have more lumens per watt. again nail on the head.... wish we had a motion of that! (hint hint admin!).
also i went into a new lfs that i never been into 3 week ago and saw a few nemones.
i said for a laugh oh would my t5 unit cope with them note i did not give him watt power wat size tank is. not one piece of info was given to him just question added. he said fast as lightning no.
all coral and nemones will die with in 48 hours... i laughed at him so hard i had murph.
and then he goes what you want is like 2 T8's.... i had to walk out laughing i was crying! he dint have a clue! yet his boss was setting up a t5 unit for his coral sale units!
some people should just not be aloud to talk.
problem was he said it infront of a few customers too who then whent too look at the t8's.
wife was like wat the hell you laughing at.
i just said hes a noob and a --- head!
she just laughed and then said huh i dont get it... lmao!
had to take over an hour to explain to her.
but like others said use T5 units for yours you wont need the most powerfull one tho as your tank is quite small.