

:cheer: hi just got two anemonies, bubble tip and LTA . i am just drooling how fun it is to watch my tomatoe clown and clark II host these.
the tomatoe use to host a big condi shell. trying to set up new lights . not sure the least i can get away with? have a 50/50 actenic light now 65k only have mushrooms, damsel, clowns besides tons of live rock. and clew crew. any suggestions :help:


What size tank do you? Most will tell you anemonies will need VHO,T-5 or MH to survive. I have a BTA in my 40 that has 384 watts of PC lighting for 3 months or so now and its doing great. I change the bulbs out every 6 months to guarantee my par levels dont drop. If you only have 65 watts of PC lights I would say they will not survive for long.


Active Member
Couple of things, first what size tank you do you have? I ask because it’s generally not considered a good idea to mix different species of anemones because they will wage war against each other—it’s not something you will see but they will release toxins or may sting each other and one will eventually lose. If you are determined to keep them I recommend aggressive skimming and running activated carbon 24/7.
Also, it doesn’t sound as if you have enough light. Again, not sure what size tank you have but I’d probably want MH or VHO.


i got them from someome that had both anomies together in a tank already. i have a 55 gallon tank and i run carbon in my filter anyway,doing 9 gal water changes every two weeks always. the anemonies i keep seperated, one in middle tank on sand, bta on a rock high up top side of tank so should be no fighting since she has had them awhile like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfryer
i got them from someome that had both anomies together in a tank already. i have a 55 gallon tank and i run carbon in my filter anyway,doing 9 gal water changes every two weeks always. the anemonies i keep seperated, one in middle tank on sand, bta on a rock high up top side of tank so should be no fighting since she has had them awhile like that.

I can’t say I understand your logic but in any event, I’d say that inadequate lighting is a major issue in your tank and you will want to upgrade soon.


i know i have to upgrade lights, that is why i asked question to what, have been reseseaching and get mixed up since none seeem to come with hood. and like easy turn on no fans so dont have to deal with heat problems. schould i just get a clip on mh and leave what i got also. will this work?


Active Member
I wouldn’t go with a clip on MH unit. If I were to spend the money I’d go with a fixture or buy a retro kit. I went with a 440 watt VHO retro kit on my 55 gal and I am very happy with it.


Originally Posted by fishfryer
i got them from someome that had both anomies together in a tank already. i have a 55 gallon tank and i run carbon in my filter anyway,doing 9 gal water changes every two weeks always. the anemonies i keep seperated, one in middle tank on sand, bta on a rock high up top side of tank so should be no fighting since she has had them awhile like that.

lol good logic, u dont listen well...


hey it is not that i dont listen its that i get mixed up. :jumping: i might get from someone t5lights which are 2 daylight and 1 acentic 28 w are this enough light? or still need more
or another unit