Anenome Gone???

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
Ive had my LTA for almost 3 years...a few weeks ago it got very small and started to move. It was in this spot for a long time, id say over 2 years. Now i cant find it the past it has vanished into the sand but appeared within the day. Any chance it went into the sand and died?
What kind of reprocussions would its death have on my tank?? The worst??


if it went wandering it could be abywhere, check overflows, sumps, fuge, its most likley hiding in a place behind a rock or something.. however mine got hacked up in a ph :(

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
well mine got stuck in a powerhead a few days prior to disapprearing...however its tenacles didnt reach the impellar so i assumed it would be okay. Its happened before, im just worried that if it dies it will kill everything im my tank, do anenomes do that like for instance some cucumbers??


Good luck with your anemeone, that really sucks to lose it after all that time. I had my LTA die last week after an unfortunate run in with the heater. BTW, if you do find that it died, be prepared to dispose of it when you take it out of the tank. I had heard they smelled bad when dead but I had no idea. Mine smelled just like raw sewage.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
im heading home this weekend so ill be able to search around...ive been eying a Rose Bubble Tip so now might be the time to purchase one.


Similar thing happen to me with my Rose. It was missing for 6 months. I was sure it was a goner. Recently I changed my rock formation and what do you know, just as beautiful as ever hidden behind some rocks.
There is hope. He may just have found a happier place in the tank.