Anenome Help Needed


Yesterday afternoon, I bought my first anemone, a RBTA. It looked a bit sad in the store, but had a great color and some good 'bubbles.' I drip acclimated for two hours. It found a spot it liked in the tank and looked great last night. Here is a picture:

When the lights went off, it deflated and curled up inside its foot. The lights have now been on for about 3 hours, and it still looks miserable. Here's a current pic:

Tank parameters:
75 gallon + ~15 gallons in sump
2 250watt MH lamps
Ammonia: 0
Nitrates: 0
Nitrite: 0
Temp: 78-80
Calcium 400
pH 8.2
What do I do to save the little guy? My fish (1 false perc and 1 six line wrasse), and cleaner shrimp are doing fine and have been for months. My xenia has looked good for the time I've had it - several weeks. Any ideas?


It's typical to look bad on day 2, even though it looked great all night day 1after I brought it home?
Sorry, as is obvious, I'm a "first time parent" here!


but keep an eye on your parameters. if they start to go high all of a sudden remove you anemone immediately. they do release toxins when they die. but Id just feed him some krill or a product called arctipods I think reef nutrition makes them. good luck!


Thanks! He's actually looking better this evening, after hiding completely most of the day. Maybe he's a Giants fan!


your nem looks fine in this pic. don't be surprised if you see many different looks to your nem. after eating they look very pathetic indeed, just wait :)


another thing you might wanna keep an eye on is your phosphates. i lost a star fish not too long ago b/c my phosphates were too high (it's rough trusting a roommate to take care of your tank when you're away!!) and make sure it doesn't duck too far away from the lighting