Anenome help urgent!


I just put to new anenomes into my tank and one is upside down. Can he use his foot to right himself or is their any way I should help. Also I am about to add three soft corals any particular way to do this. Please help soon.


Active Member
It's okay, calm down. All it means when an anenome is upside down is that it is looking for food. When was the last time they were fed? Did you ask the store that before you bought them? If not, myabe you should feed him some krill. He's probably hungry. If you don't have krill, or some meaty frozen food, leave him alone. He will right himself back up again when he either finds some food, or gives up on looking.


Active Member
They don't flip upside down when they are looking for food. You can flip him over yourself. If his foot doesn't hold onto the rock then just place him and hold him with your hand or gloves for a minute or two. What kind of anemones are they? Are you aware of the lighting requirements they have?


Thanks for the post. The carpet anenome was just introduced to the tank so I have no idea when it was last fed. I ordered them from this site. I helped him a little and now he has grasped onto a rock and has righted himself. Thanks for the post.
Now I have a clownfish that is lying motionless on the bottom. I also ordered him from this site and I understand that the acclimation takes so time and that is normal behavior, but he doesnt appear to be breathing or moving his fins at all. I appears dead in fact a hermit crab was on him. I moved the crab but dont want to touch the fish. He was just acclimated then dropped in the tank with the last 1-1.5 hours. Could he be dead. The other eight fish are fine and seem to be acclimating beteer than expected.


Active Member
How did you acclimate them? Sounds like you are having them acclimate themselves while in the tank. That doesn't work. Look at the acclimation procedure to the left margins.


Active Member
And you bought nine fish?!?! That is too many too add at once to a tank, unless it is super-duper big like 1000 gallons. How big is your tank? You shouldn't have more than 1" of fish per 5 gallons, even adding one fish a week.


From now on I wont add that many fish ever again. I used the acclimating procedure on this site. I was just refering to the adjusting to their new environment when I said acclimate.