anenome help


my bta has been in my tank for about 3 weeks for the first 2 weeks he was in a cave w only his tips sticking out to get light now it moved but for a week now he has been very tiny and shriveld up what the hell is going on should i just get rid of it is it normal :help:
You sound like I did the first time my shrank up. There is a website that helped me tremendously. I don't think we are allowed to post websites but if you Google "Karen's Rose Anemone's" you will find the website that I am talking about.
I am enjoying my BTA's alot more now that I am not always worried about them. I started feeding mine silversides as she recommends and mine are much happier.
Good luck!


Active Member
Give some background info on your tank, size, exact water parameters (not just fine), lighting and how you acclimated it.


Active Member
Anemones need the following:
Pristine water
Strong light
Brisk, random water flow
Plenty of room
Lack of coral opponents
Established tank
To be handled properly in harvest and be healthy when you purchase
Be in a proper aquarium environment. Remember anemones aren't reef safe.
If each of these things are in order don't worry about the anemone. It will move to a place it feels comfortable and thrive (a BTA will anyway. Some of the more delicate anemones might still die). If you are not providing each of the requirements then you need to or remove the anemone to a more proper home.