anenome ID



looks like a condi to me not a bubble tip, how much did you pay?


i paid 39.00 for it. i have another condi and its not the prettiest thing in the world but it doesnt even look simular to this one. i take it there are different types of condis'???????


Active Member
geez, shortstop what lfs are you using, selling you that and telling you it's a bubble tip. :eek: At the very least you'd think your step-mom would give you some guidance:rolleyes:


Active Member
Pink-tipped haitian Condylactus..........very expensive to say the least. Take away the thirty and leave the nine and you are in the right area. I would definitely converse with the step-mom on that stuff............she knows her schtuff.:)


ok so basicaly i got ripped off? i just bought another one for only ten dollars.
hey now we know who was right and who was wrong on the step mom thing. right wrassecal.:p they obviously were. why would this one be so expensive?:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


Active Member
Hey it happens to all of us. I personally have 2 different 1/2 lb rocks at $40 - $50 a piece ( after the anthia and yellow star polyps got eaten):eek: Just stay on this board, it's where I've learned the least since the dogs ate my books:rolleyes:


What store did you buy that from? I'm from Oklahoma too and occaionally do my shopping in OKC. I don't want to go there if they rip people off.


Active Member
She bought it at the Reef Shop. If you are ever in Norman, the best lfs is Crystal Clear Aquatics on Flood Street.


That's funny....I bought one that looked pretty much the same as that one for $6.99 about a month ago. It was in bad health (although I didn't realize it until I got home) and it ended up dying not too long ago. Have you tried Aquariums in Edmond? I do alot of shopping there and have never had any problems.