Anenome in a 20 gallon?


New Member
I have a no fish in my tank now, they all died to ICH, and I admit I really rushed into cycling, and I actually trusted my LFS that a Yellow Tang would be great in a 20 gallon.
Now for the question, I really want to put live sand and live rock in my tank once I get it running properly again, and I'd like to put 2 clown fish in it. I really want an anenome because they're so beautiful and I know it'd make my little clowns happy to have a host. :eek:)
What types of anenomes would you recommend for a 20 gallon? Is it safe to order an anenome off of
Thanks! I apperciate it!



Originally posted by jaymen
What types of anenomes would you recommend for a 20 gallon? Is it safe to order an anenome off of

None for a 20 gallon tank, I just don't like to see anemones in 10 or 20 gallon tanks, but if you can swing proper lighting then you might try a Haitiain or Bubble Tip.
I would at the very least upgrade to a 29 or 30 gallon tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by jaymen
I have a no fish in my tank now, they all died to ICH, and I admit I really rushed into cycling, and I actually trusted my LFS that a Yellow Tang would be great in a 20 gallon.
Now for the question, I really want to put live sand and live rock in my tank once I get it running properly again, and I'd like to put 2 clown fish in it. I really want an anenome because they're so beautiful and I know it'd make my little clowns happy to have a host. :eek:)
What types of anenomes would you recommend for a 20 gallon? Is it safe to order an anenome off of
Thanks! I apperciate it!

you know, clows can live happy lives eve with out an anemone and somtimes certain corals will host clowns


i agree if you want to have anemone in a 20 you better have a chiller.......lots of light and i wealth of knowledge and time....i've had my 20 for a year know and for weeks and months it goes good but one hot day or one level drop can ruin everything. start slow, get use to taking care of easier corals, save some loot. Just my thoughts. good luck.


New Member
What would be an example of an "easy" coral? That is something that I have been wondering for quite some while.


New Member
On the website, when is says that a coral needs "medium light", what does that stand for? Is the light that comes in the nano considered "medium"?:notsure:
If not, what would be a good retrofit kit to put on?


Active Member
IMO don't listen to medium lighting, low lighting, etc. They don't tell you the specific minimum lighting a coral needs. What kinds of corals are you looking at for your nano cube?