Anenome Lighting


I have an ocellaris clown and would like to get him/her a mate. I also would like to get them an anenome. What kind of anenome do they need. What kind of lights does that anenome need? Would regular work? I don't think so but I am just asking. Please reply.


New Member
The vast majority of anemones do not survive in captivity. Despite that fact, many people are lured into starting marine aquaria by the fascinating relationship between the clownfish and their host anemones, generally its a bad idea to purchase one until we learn more about how to keep them alive.
Your particular clownfish DOES NOT require a host anemone. Instead try certain corals such as Xenia, Open Brains, or Leathers if you want to see it cozy up to something.
Finally, I applaud your idea for getting it a mate/friend. They seem to enjoy the companionship of each other.

nm reef

Active Member
I've managed to keep a bubble tip anenome for several months now.......first under 260 watts has additional 2x110 watts vho.....seems much better now........and the tomato clown likes it
Advise says to avoid getting on if tank is young & unstable...........and if you have less than approximately 5 watts per gal..........even then they need excellant water conditions to do well........takes work and effort but it can be done.......
I have had great success with Bubble Tips in my reef, and they have all split much to my fascination and delight. I have VHO lighting.
Please consider buying ONLY tank (farm) raised specimens. They will be hardier in the long run as they are used to "tank" conditions. There are many reliable sources that are farming these wonderful creatures now, rather than buying one that has literally been ripped from its home. This process alone does more initial damage to the anemone than anything.
My humble .02