anenome maybe?


Active Member
i was thinking of getting an anenome for my 225 fowlr tank.
i had one probably 8 yrs ago it got caught in a powerhead the rio type and nuked the tank.
now i have all koralias and the tank is 33 inches tall.
i have a ton of light 4 96 watt compacts and 3 250 watt mh.
i am just paranoid about it nuking the tank.
i dont have a clown so i would add a couple percs.
what are some suggestions of anenomes i could get that are less of a chance to nuke the tank?


LOL...I have a BTA, and it has settled in one spot and never moved....if you get a roaming anemone you want to cover your powerheads...mine are not (YIKES) LOL


Active Member
i will have to look up what a bta is.
its been a while looking at anenomes.
the ph's are at least 20 inches off the bottom.
i would love to have an anenome and watch it host a couple clowns but i would hate that a $30 anenome will nuke $1000 worth of fish.
last time it happened i was visiting up in buffalo and left my phone in the car .my wife called my mother when it happened.
my mother drove to the bar i was at yelling at me to call my wife she was crying that the fish were dying.first i asked what color the water was and she said cloudy white so i knew right away.
luckilly it was my 90 gallon tank and i had a 150 running so she scooped the living fish out and put them in there and they recovered.
i just am paranoid of this.


Active Member
well that blows ,aint that what you got it for?
i just looked it up and it says it will host most clownfish.
guess not


Originally Posted by deejeff442
well that blows ,aint that what you got it for?
i just looked it up and it says it will host most clownfish.
guess not

LOL...I have read many posts, and some clowns jump right in....others do not....who knows
I got it cause I wanted an anemone....if the clowns jumped in..well that would have been great too
I will say I love the BTA...even if he clowns do not


Active Member
i saw a bright red one but seems they stay small.
not sure i want a carpet because i have seen on here they can trap a pretty big fish.
3 inch size would be a bit small.
maybe a long tentacle ?
thats what i had before but he would stay in one spot for months then he went behind the rocks where i couldnt see him.
then he commited haricari.


Active Member
i really like the carpets and watching some vidios of the clowns diving into themis just awesome.
i would love to keep one around 8-10 inches .
the tank is pretty big i think you have a 225 so you know.
a 3-4 inch anenome wouldnt do much for the tank.
i hope some people with carpets chime in for thier experiences.


Active Member
i really like my sebae anemone...every clown i have ever had has hosted it at one point or another...i could just be very lucky though. mine is about 5-6" when stretched out on the rocks and has never moved around or hurt another fish.


Active Member
just looked him up ,i really like the white with purple tips.
just about the right size.
i just emailed the guy i buy my fish from to see what he says.
he has only been into swf for 8 yrs but the dude is beyond addicted.
he just came back from hawaii to schmoose his suppliers and went out with them and caught some fish.
must be nice


Active Member
whatever you do make sure the anemone is not dyed. look at their natural coloration online and find one that matches, i got mine yellow and luckily it is recovering to brown/white with purple/pink tips. also i found that mine really liked to be in the sand and wedged up onto the rocks.


Active Member
the guy i get my livestock from gets everything from his suppliers right out of the ocean .i meet him at the airport when i order.
its really a sweet deal not much of a markup like a lfs.
when i get my fish they are out of the ocean for one day.
i will get back on here when he emails me and see what he comes up with.


Active Member
wow, thats great you have such a great way of getting your livestock. and without that much of a markup...lucky lol