Anenome or Coral??


A couple weeks ago I bought an anenome. At least that's what they told me it was. But looking around it looks alot like a mushroom coral not a mushroom anenome. Is there even such a thing as a mushroom anenome. It's purple/maroon and round and flat. What ever it is, I can't get the thing to open up like it did at the store. It's not attaching to any rocks. I thought for a while it was dead but when I tried to move it, it shrank and closed up. Can anybody tell me what this is?

al mc

Active Member
Welcome to the forum. Anyway you can post a picture? It would help greatly in trying to give you advice.
Also, if you feel it is not doing well you should post more info about your tank size, how long it has been set up, other inhabitants, type of lighting/pumps/filtration used and water parameters (specific gravity, pH,
Calcium, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates, temperature)...if possible.
The more info you can supply, generally the better advice you receive.


I don't have a picture but I found one that looks almost exactly like it.
Temp - 78
Alkalinity - 100
nitrate - 50
pH - 7.2
nitrite - 0


Sorry dude if thats what you have it is most definitely a mushroom, don't be sad though with proper environment and lighting you will soon have many more....they multiply

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by tschubert
Sorry dude if thats what you have it is most definitely a mushroom, don't be sad though with proper environment and lighting you will soon have many more....they multiply


Originally Posted by tschubert
Sorry dude if thats what you have it is most definitely a mushroom, don't be sad though with proper environment and lighting you will soon have many more....they multiply
What do I have to be sorry about? Is it a coral or anemone? And how do I get the little guy to open up and attach to something?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Fallelick
What do I have to be sorry about? Is it a coral or anemone? And how do I get the little guy to open up and attach to something?
Its a coral, not a anemone.


If you have some live rock in your tank you can take him and place him on it, then secure with a couple of rubber bands to hold him there...they will usually attach within a week or so, then you can lose the rubber bands. You may want to further I.D. what type of Mushroom Coral he is as these guys all like different degrees of lighting, and flow. It looks like a "Red" so I would suggest Medium to high lighting and indirect medium flow. Thats what works for mine.


nitrates are too high and your ph is way to low. this could have an effect on the mushrooms ( coral not anemone ) . what is your lighting?


Wait!!!! your PH is 7.2??? Sorry did not pick up on that, definitely needs adjusted...should be 8-8.4. or your success will be short lived. I hate to recommend any products, as I do not normally have this problem, and only use a Buffering additive which keeps my PH in line. You may want to start another thread to get advice from some of the others as to best correct.
Good Luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Its a coral, not a anemone.
Technically, it's not either. Often called disc anemones or mushroom corals, these 'corallimorpharians' are kind of in-betweeners.


It's 8.2 not 7.2. sorry typed the wrong thing. I just did another check to be sure. Anyway how do you use rubber bands to secure a mushroom to a rock? Won't that hurt it? The one I have looks just like the picture only dark purplish/maroon with a velvety apearance. The light I'm using is called PowerGlo. Its supposed to be great for saltwater tanks but other than that I don't know much about it.


pick the spot where you want it. the rubber band should be big enough just to hold it in place not tight at all. Try to get your nitrates down too, 5 to 15 ppm is perfect


Active Member
When is the last time you did a water change? What type of water do you use? RO/DI or tap?
I would start by doung a 20% water change.
What is your SG/Salinity?
You need to get your nitrates down. I don't think your lighting is going to be good enough for reef. Do you know your watts?


Agreed....small bands not too tight, and he will probably stay right where you put him if not in high flow area. I have 4 or 5 different species of Mushroom Corals in my display tank, and they have spread like the point I have started actually "fragging them" by removing a polyp and cutting it into 4 pieces...and then strapping them to a piece of live rock. So dont worry they are pretty hardy. I have never heard of your lighting, but do some research, beware of Live Fish Store recommendations and go to the lighting forum on this web-site. I promise it will be confusing @ first, but stick with it and these guys will steer you in the right direction.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
When is the last time you did a water change? What type of water do you use? RO/DI or tap?
I would start by doung a 20% water change.
What is your SG/Salinity?
You need to get your nitrates down. I don't think your lighting is going to be good enough for reef. Do you know your watts?

Nitrates of 50ppm are not likely to be much of a problem to mushrooms.


Active Member
Also you could try putting it in a tupperware container with the lid off in a low-flow area and let it naturally attach. I tried supergluing my mushroom to a rock and it even slimed out of that.
Just do 10-20% weekly water changes and youre nitrates shouldnt reach that high again, unless its a bio-wheel or you have a load of fish in there.


I think the bulb I have is an 80 watt. I'm not sure though it doesn't say on the bulb. I only have 2 fish, an anemone, and a feather duster in a 10 gallon tank. It's pretty simple. My salt level is about 1.022. Is there anything else I need to change to let the little guy grow?