Anenome...or however you spell that


My anenome keeps moving all over the place....the main problem is he gets attached to my filter and it sucks on him. Is is bad for that to be happining? Should I move him when he does that? Also my clownfish doesn't seem to want to go in with there any way to encourage him in?
thanks -emily


New Member
It is moving becuase he doesnt like where he is placed, what is your lighting?. My BTA doesnt really like a high flow are, so it finally moved from where I placed it on the left side of tank to the center of the tank, which I thank him for. I would get him off the filter input. What type of anemone is it and what type of clown?
As for your clownfish not hosting in it yet, well if it is a tank raised clown then it will take a while for him to go will have to build up its immunity to the anemone stings. Took my GSM clowns about 1 week to finally start hosting.
i had the same problem eventualy the anemone died after 3 weeks. I had a percula (tank raised) and a florida cardi.... never got hosted


Active Member
Anemone's move. Some more than others. Some, even with no rhyme or reason.
Many move because they are hunting for an optimal place to set their foot down - a place with the right lighting, and the right current. Many seem to prefer a crevice or large hole in a rock, for protection.
Anemone's getting caught in the powerhead or filter is bad news. Yes, you should move it if that happens.
But let's start with the basics.
What kind of anemone is it? What kind of clown? Not all clowns and anemone's will get along. Certain clowns go with certain anemone's. And certain anemone's are not typically host anemone's.
What kind of lighting and water flow do you have in the tank?
What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrate, etc.)?


Originally posted by Buzz
But let's start with the basics.
What kind of anemone is it? What kind of clown? Not all clowns and anemone's will get along. Certain clowns go with certain anemone's. And certain anemone's are not typically host anemone's.
What kind of lighting and water flow do you have in the tank?
What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrate, etc.)? [/B]

Give us the basics so we can really help!


Well I have a percula clown and a bubble tip anenome.....thats what I was told at the fish store anyway...But I am starting to think that its not a bubble tip cause I think that those look different. As for my ammonia, nitrate ect. they are all normal. I just hate movingg my anaemoe around. What if I tried using a piece of live rock to block his path to the filter? would that mess up filtration? thanks everyone by the way!! I am the type that needs all the help that she can get thank you!


Active Member
I hate to question, but what do you consider normal? Do you have the readings?
Also, what about lighting, circulation and filtration?
These are very important factors.
You can't block it's movement. It will just move over whatever you put in front of it if it wants to.


PH: btween 8.0 and8.2 somewhere
Lighting:I have one power-glo light and one stock light....I am probley going to buy another power-glo
My circulation and filtration are just the stock eclipse stuff
BTW my anenome recently buried his foot right by the filter but he is not actually touching it so I am hoping he will just stay there.
Thanks for all the help


Active Member
Emily, I hate to tell you this but that lighting is not enough to sustain an anemone. That may be one reason it keeps moving trying to find better light. Do you spot feed squid? shrimp? krill? If not, you need to do that as well.
Powerglow's are NO flourescent tubes. Anemone's really need strong lighting and good current. PC's, VHO, or ideally MH lighting is what an anemone needs.
I have tried to keep an anemone under less than needed lighting, and it died within a year. I have 2 now under MH lighting, and the difference is amazing.


Thanks a ton!
I will see what I can do about my lighting.....Do you know about how much lights like those would cost me? I am sortove limited during x-mas time but I should be able to make some cash soon....anyway thanks for your help!


Active Member
Depending on which you go with, and if you are able to find some used lights perhaps (they are out there), it could cost a couple of hundred dollars. If used, you may get a much better deal on them. Check some of the auction sites, classifieds, trading section on this board, etc.