anenome pics.


Active Member
I've got 780 watts of vho on a 135. It hasn't split in this tank yet but it's getting huge. First split was in a 55g with 440 vho. Second split was in a different tank 55 g with only 220 watts vho. I feed them 3 times a week with a meaty food. I only have one of them now. I gave 2 of them to others in the hobby so they would have tank raised. All 3 are doing well ( so far).


My sebae. Plum man that sebae look awesome. What are you feeding it and lights? mine was in veryyy low lighting then I kicked it up to VHO's and he ran for the CC?? he seems to have lost some of his tenacles.


Active Member
I feed my anemones Silversides and Krill, 3x a week now, one I got from this site as a yellow [dyed] sabae, brought it back nicely


Active Member
HEy DVS I'm not broomer but I have an opinion on this. IMO sebae need to be kept under MH's. As far as RBTA's they are just as easy as BTA's and are way easier to keep than sebae anemones. You will find very few who have kept sebae for a long time(broomers is by far the most impressive I have seen in a tank) there are many who have kept RBTA's and they quite often split so they are available tank propogated quite often. HTH


Active Member
Yeah that should do it, especially since you work at an LFS. If one shows up that is not bleached, snatch it up dude.


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
Nicky1.8t,.what kind of anemone is that?It's beautiful!Great pics everyone!

it is a condy i got rid of it due to it moving and stinging some of my corals and killing them it was very cool when it wasent moving


Active Member
I don't know how a seabe would do under your (2) 175 MH and (2) 96 watt PC's. I would only be guessing if I said anything either way - postive or negative.
I will say this.
I keep one under 500 watts of MH and 440 watts of mixed VHO.
But here's the kicker ..
The anemone is located at the far end of the tank, near the bottom of the rockwork. The anemone has not moved from this spot in over 19 months.
It does not receive full intensity lighting from one, let alone both 250 watt MH lamps.
Same goes with the VHO lighting.
The VHO spreads the light out somewhat over the entire length of the 4 foot bulbs.
How much light does the sebae actually receive - I still just don't know yet.